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Monthly Scenario Implementation

Game options

6 years ago
Feb 7, 2019, 5:11:49 PM

Hello everyone.

I really enjoy the concept behind the monthly scenarios. Something that I would like to see is the system being integrated into the game itself.

There would be a "Scenario" section on the main menu, and from there you could select the latest (or even previous) scenarios and read a short description about them. You could launch the games automatically from there, and any victory would be automatically uploaded to leaderboards (these could be both limited for the month that the scenario came out and/or global for all time).

Thank you for your consideration.

Updated 12 days ago.
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6 years ago
Mar 18, 2019, 10:20:09 AM

dude i will literally would create same idea customary scenario browser and editor i dont know if there is a editor or not but realy dude why dont we have special stories and setups
lore wise or not
it would make more active mp too hosting a a match for same thing and people come and go would be awesome btw i didnt like to download and open saves it awkward

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