When you want to get rid of a system (to weaken an empire for example), but don't want to add them to your own (bad FIDSI, over colonization, etc.) there aren't many options.

My idea is to turn these systems into something useful, by giving options after the system is siege by your fleet to do things different from normal capture system or raze, like:

  • Transform into a "Xeno Haven" neutral system, that brings a minor faction population to it. This faction cannot be assimilated, and grants minor Dust, Science and Influence to the owner of the Haven. Like other minor faction systems they can be interacted by the owner of the Haven, giving the option to add the minor faction's trait or raze the system. This system grant income if a Trade Route passes through
  • Transform the system into a neutral "Slave system". This system gives all the income in Dust, Science, and Influence of the Slave owner, and a bonus per population of the system (like 3% per pop). Population in these system decrease at a fast rate until they drop at zero pop, which make the system auto raze. The owner of the system can open an interaction menu, like for minor factions to raze the system early.
  • Vodjani can turn a system into a Essence generating system. This works like a Slave system that give essence instead of Dust, Science or Influence.
  • Mercenary Haven: This neutral system constantly creates pirate fleets that block other systems, leeching dust from them to the owner. The ships destroyed by these fleets give dust and science per CP to the owner of the Merc System. A menu for the system owner would give the option to invest dust to improve the ships they create and the turns needed per fleet to generate, or raze the system.