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Change the Trade Clearing Bureau so it doesn't reveal the Umbral Choir.

GUIMultiplayerMarketplaceMajor Factions

6 years ago
Feb 16, 2019, 11:49:58 AM

So, I was just sitting around with a friend playing the Umbral Choir for the first time, and I find myself ahead in the game somewhat. Having nothing else to build, I decided to grab the TCB so I could get some of those sweet market taxes. Once done though, I noted the Market Place was now shown to be on a certain system... my system, the hidden system that is the only one I really have and I have to rely on it staying hidden and jumping around.

Out of concern, I asked my friend what system he saw the market in, and he confirmed my suspiscions, You can indeed tell what System the Umbral Choir is in, if they build the TCB. Now, this is only an issue in Multiplayer, cause the AI doesn't really know how to work with that information. But it does seem a touch... risky, and it would be a shame to deny a Legendary building to the Umbral Choir because it would expose them to the Galaxy!

So if it was at all possible, the TCB should be changed as in it's current state, it reveals the Umbral Choir home system!

Updated 13 days ago.
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6 years ago
Feb 21, 2019, 10:55:33 PM

More of a bug fix.. but ok.

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