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Ecumenopolis (Planet Cities)

Galaxy GenerationSystem Management

6 years ago
Mar 3, 2019, 1:44:00 AM


So I have two directions for this idea, that are similar but different enough where I feel it warrants separating them within this post, but before I continue I just want to define a few things and give a general idea. 

An Ecumenopolis is a "hypothetical concept of a planetwide city." This is often represented in all sorts of science-fiction works, and what is likely the most famous example is Coruscant, the planet-wide city capital of many different galactic empires within Star Wars. 

The general idea is for visually, planets within Endless Space 2 to appear as Ecumenopoleis at some point in the game. 

I understand that some unique planets within Endless Space 2 (such as Raia, and Horatio Prime) are visually similar to Ecumenopolis's/their Megapolis's are visible from orbit but this idea pertains to non-unique planets. 

The reasoning behind this is because even though there are more spaceships and space stations that float around a planet once it's population gets high enough, it doesn't really look like a planet full of billions and billions of people. 

Idea 1: 

A feature is present in the menu that allows for the toggling of visual updates to a planet as its tier goes up. So a tier 1 system's planets would have fewer lights present, and the surface would be rather natural (closer to how it was before colonization), while a tier 4 planet would be nearly, or near-completely covered by the planet's cities (so it would have many megapoleis present or would be a complete Ecumenopolis). The toggling would be so that the update wouldn't be forced onto players who prefer the more natural look of the planet. 

Likewise, the toggling feature could also be present in-game and be toggleable by each individual planet if the menu option was turned on for Ecumenopolis. 

 Idea 2:  

Gives the option to players to upgrade their planets to an Ecumenopolis and had the option to choose this planet class from the planet selection screen (this would require something like 25-30 points for balancing). This is similar to the PlanetTypeEden mod where players can upgrade Terran/Ocean/Atoll/Forest planets to an Eden class planet (that is markedly overpowered; this upgrade would not be extremely overpowered and theoretically, the devs would balance all this out). However, with this feature it would require a number of things and would be both a visual and gameplay update. 

A. It would require the entire system to be level 4. 

B. A top tier technology would have to be unlocked (even if your home system was an Ecumenopolis). 

C. There would, of course, be a resource/dust/manpower/etc cost (like if you were building a Time-Space Wonder or a Citadel). 

Any other ideas and critiques to this would be super awesome and I'm open to adding or changing things. Anyway, thanks if you made it this far!  

Updated a day ago.
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6 years ago
Mar 28, 2019, 5:18:05 PM

an upgrade to planet city design/idea might be in order.
because i am focused on more realistic details, such as co2 emission and conversion back to oxegon (machines can maybe do it)
But planets are beutiful too, they give food too (given machines can do it also) but they need lots of power for either.
having a few parks etc is not a bad thing,
But planet cities also means ridiculous populations.

Other things to add could be machine worlds etc, for riftborn. (but the trees already have a forest planet). (changed with technolgy affinity variations).

i dont really see much reason to have this in game currently, not a really desired feature compared to other features, but i do like upgrading things a lot.

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6 years ago
Mar 28, 2019, 10:48:13 PM
kingaustin wrote:

an upgrade to planet city design/idea might be in order.
because i am focused on more realistic details, such as co2 emission and conversion back to oxegon (machines can maybe do it)
But planets are beutiful too, they give food too (given machines can do it also) but they need lots of power for either.
having a few parks etc is not a bad thing,
But planet cities also means ridiculous populations.

Other things to add could be machine worlds etc, for riftborn. (but the trees already have a forest planet). (changed with technolgy affinity variations).

i dont really see much reason to have this in game currently, not a really desired feature compared to other features, but i do like upgrading things a lot.

Yeah, it's more of a minor request, like a quality of life change + something to spice up the late game just a little bit, I do agree there are more urgent matters at hand for the Amplitude team, however, I just don't get the feel of a galactic super empire if not a single one of my planets visually looks as such. 

Also artificial planets for the Riftborn would be amazing (I'd love something like Requiem or Onyx from Halo) 

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