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[Penumbra DLC] - Create reminders for detected intrusions

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6 years ago
Mar 7, 2019, 10:54:59 AM


Suspect not the only one with this problem, but sometimes whn hacking, specially sith UC, after some time I cannot remember every place I triggered and intrusion alert.

Actually using a sheet of paper, can you create a reminder in sistems we triggered an intrusion alert?

Of cousre it has a downside: the defensive program may be removed, but the reminder remain. Then if you want to repeat, at your own risk like now, but say goodbye the paper sheets or .txt docs!

Updated 3 months ago.
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6 years ago
Mar 15, 2019, 9:37:16 PM

Oh that would be nice to have natively! 

Maybe when u do a mousever, or as dropdown menu in the Economic/Hacking map as a list 

maybe even have an optional map-overlay feature additionally. 

and while i am still dreaming, a rundown of the possible bandwidth of another empire with a tally of spend bandwidth would be nice aswell. you could do this on paper of course, but nicer to have ingame.

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