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religion for endless space 2


6 years ago
Jul 2, 2019, 8:22:14 AM

Many strategy games have mechanics which allow you to create religions, Civilization for example. I was playing ES2 recently and wondered why there was no systems for religions when there is a religious party (which is influenced by research and what not) and the vodyani which are obviously part of some religion or other based on the fact they call themselves "The church".

Religion could be used to increase your influence production, influence could then be used to... influence how quickly your religion spreads through the population of a system. When a population is contested by two or more religions the player with more influence would win and would also be able to convert population that had already embraced another players religion, provided that player possessed less influence. 

[addition] I considered it some more and thought it might be cool if in the religion creation screen you got to pick one of the wedges from the political wheel, I.e pacifism, science, military, etcetera. This would set the political views of the religion and increase converted populations opinion of that political view.This would allow you to effectively influence the political landscape of both yours and other empires. This could be useful if for example your religion was pacifist and you spread it to an empire that was acting aggressively toward you, this would raze the pacifist population in their government leading to lower approval if they were not represented in their government.

Perhaps it could be spread in one of two ways, either by building some sort of evangelical/missionary ship and sending it to the desired system or by using hacking (or some spiritual mechanic that is functionally similar) to convert one population. It would then slowly spread if not challenged by another religion or a high scientific political view in said system.

In conclusion a religions winning condition could also be added for amassing a certain amount of influence, spreading the religion to a percentage of inhabited systems or all of the capitals (one of the three). 

Updated 7 days ago.
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6 years ago
Jul 2, 2019, 3:45:40 PM

Religion would be an interesting addition to the game. Btw, religious party seem to not have any unique empire-building thing related to them: militarists are about building and utilizing warships, pacifists - about trade and diplomacy, industrialists - industry, ecologists - terraforming and habitats. So, if religions will expand religious party from "no borders, people always happy" to something bigger, then I'm for it. 

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6 years ago
Jul 3, 2019, 9:35:27 PM

Adding religion based system improvements would definitely give the religious party a reason for existing other than to just oppose the scientific party. I thought it might be interesting if a religion allowed you to build buildings such as churches, mosques or other places of worship on both yours and other players systems, or if they just popped up spontaneously after 2 or 3 population was converted. Perhaps all of the buildings would have an upkeep cost until you researched a tithe system which would allow a small sum of the upkeep to be payed per converted population per turn. Eventually all of the upkeep could be free provided there was enough converted population.

Many of the new mechanics added to the game have come with a new race to show case them, it would be interesting if instead the Vodyani were instead re-vamped for the new religious content and were the only race to start with a religion.

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