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Starport need biome Biome BIOME !!!

GUIScreenSystem Management

6 years ago
Jul 23, 2019, 7:35:05 AM

But, but, but, but.....
What should I do then?
How to choose?
Oh..... Returns to the main map or system management.
Click on each system, look where there is a sterile planet.
There are several of them?
Write it down on a piece of paper, because otherwise you'll forget the name of the system.
It's not a joke, between the time you choose and the time you come back, you often forget the name of the destination system.
Okay, now, we have to go back to where we were before, the starting system.
What was it again?
Shit, I should have written it down on a post-it too.
Okay, click on it, we fill the starport, and we have to do this for each new shipment!
As a result, we no longer even use the starport at all. Never mind that!
It's either that or nervous destruction and insanity.

Please, upvote this idea.
It's not only for my mental health, it's also for everyone's.

Biome, Biome, BIOME !!!!!

Updated 13 days ago.
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6 years ago
Jul 24, 2019, 10:07:33 AM

Just take a look at this tutorial. think is close to what you're asking. Have in mind that from empire summary screen you can see the biomes of planets on each system and also drag and drop pop to use the sepaceport.

If it doesn't solves your trouble, there's for sure room to improve, as I didn't found this until about 1 year after game release (or more) and probably can have a better presentation.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jul 24, 2019, 11:25:50 AM

Oh ! Thanks,

I didn't know I could do this in this system management screen, it's very helpfull.

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6 years ago
Jul 29, 2019, 8:08:41 AM

I tried to use the system management screen to move people.
This is not as practical as the proposed idea, since it is easier to first choose populations in a system, then take the time to look where they are sent.
But it doesn't matter!

Above all, I realized, once again, that this was only making things not much better.
My conclusion is as follows:
As a game mechanic, having populations with bonuses on certain biomes is attractive.
But in practice, it is catastrophic. It's unmanageable.

So, I come back to my original idea (published two years ago).
A fully automated system is needed that redistributes populations to the systems, depending on the biomes.
Each system should have a checkbox option:
- Send automatically.
- Receive automatically.
The game then practices population exchanges, little by little, to the best of its ability.

The starport would still have some use, to send people to a planet that lacks them, for example.

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