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Pirate heroes

HeroesSpace Battles

6 years ago
Aug 17, 2019, 1:17:23 PM

Add to the pirate fleets your new pirate heroes, who will act as admirals. New pirate heroes also need special pirate skills related to strengthening the fleet and looting (that is, resource extraction after defeating the fleet). So the war with pirates can become even more interesting. You can also add the ability to rent a pirate hero for several moves for a fee.

  But the most important thing is the story of these heroes. Each has his own, but there is a common feature, they are all outcasts of the Academy. For one reason or another, they were kicked out of the academy and they found work with the pirates. This will expand the gaming universe. After all, not all heroes should be good, there may be traitors and just bad people among them. That is why they cannot be hired at the Academy; on the market these are exclusively pirate heroes.

Updated 5 days ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 21, 2019, 2:59:32 AM

Hmm... there IS the pirate hero that you can get after all the pirate bases are destroyed.
I dunno about heroes plural, but it could be interesting to have a fleet attach that hero whenever a pirate mark is set... Hero levels up over time, could be cool

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6 years ago
Aug 21, 2019, 9:40:40 AM
HappyHead wrote:

Hmm... there IS the pirate hero that you can get after all the pirate bases are destroyed.
I dunno about heroes plural, but it could be interesting to have a fleet attach that hero whenever a pirate mark is set... Hero levels up over time, could be cool

Yes, but this hero is a quest. I suggest a different way. Create new unique heroes with unique skills. There are heroes Sofons, Vodiani, Valters, and everyone has their own special factional skills. New pirate heroes also need special pirate skills related to strengthening the fleet and looting (that is, resource extraction after defeating the fleet). These must be exclusive heroes. They can’t be hired at the academy or in the market, only pirates have them and for a fee you can rent them for a while.

    But the most important thing is the story of these heroes. Each has his own, but there is a common feature, they are all outcasts of the Academy. For one reason or another, they were kicked out of the academy and they found work with the pirates. This will expand the gaming universe. After all, not all heroes should be good, there may be traitors and just bad people among them.

Updated 6 years ago.
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