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Mass-production bonus for building ships of one design

MilitaryShip Design

8 years ago
Nov 17, 2016, 8:25:56 AM

Hello, my idea is quite simple, actually. The more ships of one design have been built, the cheaper the ships of that design get.

Idea Summary:

-each ship designs start with a mass-production bonus of 0%

-the industry cost of building ship is reduced by the mass-production bonus of its design

-for each ship of a design built, the mass-production bonus increases by x% up to a maximum  of y% for that ship design

-altering a ship design resets the mass-production bonus to 0%

-bonus could be calculated and applied per system or on the whole empire

-bonus could be applied for dust and influence buyout (whilst doing a buyout does not increase the bonus)


You design a new ship and start building exactly that new ship design. After the first ship of that design is ready, the production cost gets reduced by 1%. After you build more and more ships, the cost decrease ramps up to 10% where it does not increase any further. Your empire has perfected building this certain ship design, reducing production time to 90%. 

Now you decide to alter the ship design, for example, you equip newly researched weapons, the "mass-production bonus" gets set back to 0% and you have to start producing the 'new' design to make it as cheap as its predecessor.

The numbers of this example can, of course, be altered. What I am proposing is the general idea. The mass-production bonus could be higher or lower, or the progress toward the full bonus could be slower or bigger.


-Reflects a realistic mass-production setup. The more ships you build, the better means for production you have, fine-tuning beyond the original design reduces production time and needed materials


-Longer iteration cycles for switching between ship designs become more efficient. You can still switch designs as fast as possible, though you'll probably miss the mass-producing bonus


-Quickly teching high and spamming a certain ship type could be imbalanced

-Can reduce ship variety in fleets

Updated 9 days ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 17, 2016, 9:05:10 AM

Sounds realistic. I think it could be balanced if you don't say it gets cheaper per ship, but per x turns as long as there are these ships built. If not you loose y% of the bonus in z turns. 

Nice Idea for spamming cheap ships to defense yourself, or in late game, when you think you found THE ship.

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8 years ago
Nov 17, 2016, 10:54:10 AM
Met wrote:

Sounds realistic. I think it could be balanced if you don't say it gets cheaper per ship, but per x turns as long as there are these ships built. If not you loose y% of the bonus in z turns. 

Nice Idea for spamming cheap ships to defense yourself, or in late game, when you think you found THE ship.

Hmm... This could be abused, though. For example, if you have a weak system somewhere at the border of your empire which takes 20-ish turns to build such a ship, you can queue one and keep the bonus while all your more important systems do not need to focus on building this ship design.

Anyway, I don't think it will be that much of a problem resetting the bonus. As far as I remember one changes ship designs every 20 or so turns, at least. With the idea it would change up to a max of 25 turns to the next update. I mean, what's more important, the 10% production bonus for the old design or a 40% firepower bonus which you get from the newer design?

Unrelated to this, the idea keeps people to rather stick with their ship design choices. Though, a 10% bonus seems not too strong. If you miss the bonus, but counter with a better ship design, the 10% will probably not make an older worse design that much more relevant than a better new one.

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8 years ago
Nov 17, 2016, 1:59:25 PM

I wanted to edit my post, but there seems to be a problem, so I'll reply to you.

What I thought of wasn't a bonus for your empire, but for the system building your ships.

And maybe not loosing the comlete bonus, but scaling it with the changes made. Differences in the moduls max 50% (all), new hull-type 50%.

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8 years ago
Nov 17, 2016, 5:52:31 PM
Met wrote:

I wanted to edit my post, but there seems to be a problem, so I'll reply to you.

What I thought of wasn't a bonus for your empire, but for the system building your ships.

And maybe not loosing the comlete bonus, but scaling it with the changes made. Differences in the moduls max 50% (all), new hull-type 50%.

Now this is an interesting idea, too. This represents local specialized ship yards pretty well. I'll add it to the OP.

Although it seems a bit similar to this idea https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space-2/ideas/13-space-shipyard. (Though the scope of that idea is different)

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8 years ago
Nov 23, 2016, 9:38:50 AM

No, very, very, very basically, shipyards tells some attack / defense war goals should be in space and shouldn't be only planets. I agree with that - most of things I've posted goes this way.

On shipyards, the production discount is just there to encourage people to use those.

I'm not sure it would be a good mecanism on shipyards because encouraging to nerf is not an easy thing to balance - that's why I talked about forcing shipyards for large ships, because realistically speaking, you can't build the Enterprise on planets.

About you idea, I somehow like it as it is but I'm not sure about the complexity/fun ratio it adds to the game (note that most of the ideas I posted could be critizised the same :) :) :) ).

It seems to be difficult to balance.

Also, does that means the dust cost gets a reduction too ?

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8 years ago
Nov 23, 2016, 9:58:30 AM
Kweel_Nakashyn wrote:

No, very, very, very basically, shipyards tells some attack / defense war goals should be in space and shouldn't be only planets. I agree with that - most of things I've posted goes this way.

On shipyards, the production discount is just there to encourage people to use those.

I'm not sure it would be a good mecanism on shipyards because encouraging to nerf is not an easy thing to balance - that's why I talked about forcing shipyards for large ships, because realistically speaking, you can't build the Enterprise on planets.

Ah, thanks for the clarification.

About you idea, I somehow like it as it is but I'm not sure about the complexity/fun ratio it adds to the game (note that most of the ideas I posted could be critizised the same :) :) :) ).

It seems to be difficult to balance.

That's what I thought, too. I think it might also nerf the AI too hard if they're doing new designs every two turns or so. :D

Also, does that means the dust cost gets a reduction too ?

While it realistically should reduce buying cost I don't think it should do so in the game, to be honest. Using dust, the stacking would get much quicker and easier... On the other hand, that could surely be balanced somehow.

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8 years ago
Nov 24, 2016, 10:15:09 AM

You're right about the AI. If they are doing AI stuff like that, the "cost evaluation" should take into account your phenomenon too. It's a solvable problem, but involves a little not-so-evident math (if they are doing AI stuff like that per say =) ).

I'm not sure about production costs. When a building can be made in 10 turns and would buyout for 1000 dust, then waiting 5 turns makes the end of the building costing around 500 dust (a little less because production value is not divided into 10 equal parts).

A production bonus should give be a dust reduction too I guess ?

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8 years ago
Nov 24, 2016, 10:18:11 AM

please change *give be* into *give* in the last sentence.

The edit button is broken on the idea section of g2g, sorry (Firefox issue, maybe ?).

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8 years ago
Nov 24, 2016, 12:49:55 PM

It's an issue in chrome, too. (not my choice to use that browser, btw xD)

Regarding buyout option: I'll add it to the OP. Anyway, what do you think about buyout not increasing the bonus, but benefiting from it?

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8 years ago
Nov 24, 2016, 2:23:34 PM

Mixed feelings :)

The mecanism of buying directly proprtional to industry costs is simple and effective. Which is super dupper great. So it should move with the industry cost.

On the other hand, it would be giving dust lategame, when designs doesn't move. So it should be decorelated. So it shouldn't move with the industry cost. Which is complicated. Which is super dupper bad.

I can't choose, actually.

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8 years ago
Nov 24, 2016, 3:37:12 PM
Kweel_Nakashyn wrote:

Mixed feelings :)

The mecanism of buying directly proprtional to industry costs is simple and effective. Which is super dupper great. So it should move with the industry cost.

On the other hand, it would be giving dust lategame, when designs doesn't move. So it should be decorelated. So it shouldn't move with the industry cost. Which is complicated. Which is super dupper bad.

I can't choose, actually.

Well, the spamming of ships with dust in the endgame can be done with or without the mass-production and it also applies to all players. The only one not benefiting from this are players that aren't going for conquest victory.

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