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Galaxy events/crisis and end game quests


8 years ago
Nov 17, 2016, 2:03:55 PM

I played a lot Stelaris and one thing i like the most was the endgame crisis (basically one or two random quest events that could bring the end of most empires if they didn't work together against it [IA rebellion, "zerg attack" extra-dimensional beings, Stargate Replicator likes etc]).

We already had some kind of common quest to all empires in late game in Endless legends and i think such thing can be interesting if well done (it can give you a new challenge if you are dominating your enemies too hard and it can give you opportunities if you are not).

Also they also had (with a dlc) a "space leviathan" concept) (basically space is a big place you never know what you may find, like from a planetoid ship to a space drake or a living planet and all that's in between) you could find them early on but couldn't do a thing until you had advanced enough and that made exploring systems much more fun and rewarding (i would really see such things in a few hidden systems that don't belong in any constellation, that way they wouldn't hinder normal gameplay and would be a bit harder to find which would fit their role as hard to find, hard to kill, but rewarding quests).

Obviously the goal isn't to try to make a copy of another game but to take ideas that worked there and try to adapt them to ES2 (be it the endless legacy or whatever ended them there is enough material to create whatever monstrosity we may need to spice up the game)

Updated 9 hours ago.
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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

We have the Academy Quest (aka the Metaplot) as a galaxy-wide event that should shake up the state of the galaxy.


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8 years ago
Nov 18, 2016, 9:17:32 PM

Late game upsets are definitely a feature worth adding. I would particularly want to have them depend on your empire's (or that of AI) development path, e.g. out of control AI for science heavy empires, experimental and utterly devastating weapon ending up in the hands of pirates for militarists, etc. 

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8 years ago
Nov 23, 2016, 9:15:49 PM

I was thinking of something similar, but to be honest, i'm hoping for a mid-game crysis that pays homage to Mass Effect; that means Reapers.

The idea is throughout the game, signs of ancient lost civilizations and signs of battlefields will be found, as well as inert technology that has never been seen before. The more signs of such past that are discovered and the more research you do on these relics of history, the more you will uncover about an ancient cycle of extinction. The more you learn, the better prepared you can be (as well as other rival factions) to intercept the Reaper invasion.

This plan means involving the player in politics more. Depending on the proof you (or other factions) gathered, you can team up with factions which were hostile against you to face a common foe. This also means that sharing technologies and resources might prove beneficial to you if it means repelling the Reapers with the help of others. You can however also take advantage of the situation to bring them to a swifter end if you so choose.

This crysis scenario would only play out on huge galaxies, since many systems are required for a faithful representation of the invasion, with a minimum of 6 factions preferably. The more factions in an alliance against the Reapers, the greater the bonuses to production and dust, as well as reduced upkeep for fleets/fortresses/defenses. This prompts you to make friends as fast as possible to have a chance of repelling the sentient machines.

Now I don't remember if there's wormhole portals in the game, but if there are, they could be hijacked by the Reapers to speed up their invasion. Ground combat would consist of Reaper forces, much like the husks in the original Mass Effect, with a few generic types during the start of the invasion and later on with husks that resemble fallen troops of the species of the fallen systems. Factions defending against the Reaper invasion on their systems would get a defense boost according to Reaper research, which is earned both passively by fighting them, and actively by initiating research unlocked through exploration and, well, combat.

There would certainly be a lot of details to iron out, as well as probable copyright issues along the route, but what do you guys think?

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Nice to have

The NICE TO HAVE status is given by the dev team to ideas they would like to have in the game.



status updated 8 years ago

The status of this idea has been changed to WISHLIST as it we hope to implement it in our game.

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8 years ago
Nov 27, 2016, 6:39:47 PM

Yeap, in many strategy games the end becomes very tedious, so having something like this to make it more interesting iver very much welcome! 

Also, by making moderately large set of major random events will also increases the replay-ability (how do you even spell that?) and thus value of the game.

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8 years ago
Dec 17, 2016, 10:33:18 PM
HraTaika wrote:

Yeap, in many strategy games the end becomes very tedious, so having something like this to make it more interesting iver very much welcome! 

Also, by making moderately large set of major random events will also increases the replay-ability (how do you even spell that?) and thus value of the game.

Yes, but Civ5 with add-ons could create your own crisis, i mean you could create it by yourself. 4 example. I was crisised in upper-mid game(on biggest Earth map), when i completely annihilated 2 emipers and create empire wides from Alaska to Southern Argentina , and you know what? My empire fell under its own wheight in crisis on 60+ turns, until i assumed Order and gives Acceptance from Factories.

I say it why - you could create so as crisis so as renessaince, so as world-wide so as personal ones. And this is good tool for the in-game balance, to support lacked of control or weaked by wars or bad infrostructure control (like Hissho in Endless Space - worst AI ever). You see balanced empires? Make them suffer. Created personal or all-galaxy crisis and do not let crisis affect the weakened empire in order to create tension and conflicts on the galactic map

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8 years ago
Mar 26, 2017, 1:32:09 AM
Something in the style of the end of the world. 
Could be a random game event 
that would cause for unknown 
reasons all the stars are starting 
to go down,
 this would give the players for
 example 50 turns to finish the game.
 If no one fails to defeat all participants.

If you think about it, you might
 want to hook up to a collective quest, 
if you understand it well, then 
you write about it.

Players would have to work
 together to remedy 
some wonderful discovery 
or escape to another galaxy
 (optional victory?)
 Otherwise they will all fail.
 Something like a mini horror movie. ;)
Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 3, 2017, 5:26:43 PM

Return of the Endless, or their AI/spirit trapped in robotic suits.

They are bored or angry... whichever takes down the Galaxy :)

You can chose to side with them or suffer the consequences...this also gives an intersting tie-in to the Craver campaign

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 5, 2017, 5:01:31 PM

From the looks of the Pathfinder Trailer, and ES2's Academy chain quest, the end-game crisis is easy to whip up narratively, just make it about that conflict and write a bit of faction-flavoured text to explain why you cannot remain on the sidelines. Involve the Lost one way or another.

From a gameplay perspective though, that's a bit more complicated. ES2 cannot replicate Stellaris doomstack-based crises, at least not in a fun way I don't think.

The issue of other victory conditions (looking at you, Economic victory, the ironically cheapest way to win a game) happening long before that end-game event could also be tackled. Or the trigger in general. Too early and it will frustrating to deal with. Too late and nobody will see it. Quite like the current cinematics after the completion of the academy chain quest.

The idea is good, and I do believe ES2 would greatly benefit from it. But the execution would take quite a bit of thinking to get right.

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8 years ago
Jun 5, 2017, 11:28:54 PM

I'd like to see more of this myself. Space is full of mystery. Rather than just finding curiosities and items and tactics on planetary anomalies, it would be wonderful to find things that start galaxy-changing quests, lost empires or ancient wonders.

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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

We have the Academy Quest (aka the Metaplot) as a galaxy-wide event that should shake up the state of the galaxy.

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