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Super Weapons and or Weapons of Mass Destruction?


8 years ago
Jan 23, 2017, 7:08:26 AM

the title of this Idea says it all, an end game catalyst for each empire/Factions researching labours.

A Super weapon or Starship of death or some kind of faction unique goal to strive for?

I know its only early days and the development team haven't released all the games content yet, and there very well maybe a end game tech on its way,

if there is such a thing don't do it like most other games of this type, do it smart, provide a need to have certain levels of political support before construction or even its research can begin, or something along those lines. or a different end game tech depending on what political party was in power of your government.

an example, 

I'm going to reference Star Wars on this one just to get my vision across....

the Death Star, Imagine how many favours and black mailing it would have took to get the support or for enough senators to turn a blind eye to build the Death Star and then in Rogue one its very existence was a secret because of the political upheaval it would have created through out the galaxy and in the Senate. the emperor would have lost control of the senate instantly if its construction was known, given the nature of the space station, to destroy planets.

look at nuclear weapons in real life, all the red tape and control measures to have them stored, excluding WW2, imagine what would happen today if one was miss used in anger by a leading government! political suicide and it would take decades for the reputation of that nation to recover.

now most other 4X games just have a super weapon that you can build and start an ethnic cleansing march on all your enemies with no reprisal what so ever... fun but not very challenging once you get it.

implement the same sort of end game tech on this game but with a heavy influence tied to your government politic so you cant just mop the floor with your enemies with out trying to keep your tree hugging population happy about it lol.

Lets say there was a death star type object in the game, its very existence would create benefits and draw backs based on what party was in power and depending on who you used it on and what effect on the mixed population of your empire.

example, as the United Empire you use it on the Sophons, so your integrated sophon population would rebel or defect or create a rebellion fleet or conduct a mass exodus or create a splinter faction to undermine your rule if you used it too much against their kind.

the possibilities are huge!

but it could be anything, doesn't need to be a death star type object,

you can have a massive starship like an Ark, or a huge planetary based weapon or a certain weapon that could only be mounted on the biggest starship that ignited a planets atmosphere, a device that causes stars to go super nova wiping out entire enemy star systems, researched bio weapons that targeted specific species in ones population and fired from an orbital bombardment

once again the possibilities are massive for such a feature.

I believe super weapons are great and fun in these games but there needs to be restraint as to not dilute the gaming experience.

share your thoughts guys? what do you think?

Updated 14 days ago.
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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV Dagart

status updated 8 years ago

The status of this idea has been changed to IMPLEMENTED as it has been implemented in the game. High five! Congratulations!
We did implement weapons of mass destructions. I hope you like it.


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8 years ago
Jan 26, 2017, 8:24:22 PM

I love the idea! I think, as Sophons nothing is technologically unreachable or even taboo.Accordingly, when I contacted my cousins the Mavros, I was hoping assimilating them into my empire would unlock the ability to research some sort of planet-destroyer. Nope, just a little more production.

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8 years ago
Feb 3, 2017, 2:23:46 AM

Super weapons would be awesome maybe faction unique weapons ? 

The cravers get a giant device that eats everything on the enemy planet ( they have to win a ground war first) then the planet is terraformed to barren and its FIDS reduced to 0 but the cravers get a bunch of dust and increased FIDS for x amount of turns maybe even ships, the craver one inspired by the harvester of sorrows from the Annihilation comic

The sophons can use their dyson sphere thing to fire a laser beam, death star style transforming the planet into a magma planet.

The vodyani have some uber powerful people snatching beam that after x amount of turns takes all the pops of a system giving a huuge boost of escence

The united empire gets FTL nukes. 

The horatio Get something similar to the cravers they need to land on the planet first after that they can turn all of the pops into new horatios ( lore wise they kill them and use all the biomass to make more horatios pretty creepy i know)

Dont know what the lumeris could use maybe some suggestions?

This would be extremely late game tech and really difficult to research of course. 

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 1, 2017, 9:35:39 PM

I think this is a great idea. I really thought Endless Legend could use some super weaons. I Was going to post this idea myself but saw that this thread was already made. I think maybe they should be able to be turned of in galaxy generation options just like quests. Just in case people prefer to play without them. Voted up!

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 1, 2017, 10:06:01 PM

There is already a super weapon that can destroy planets, is one of the last tech of the military part. I don't know if that is what you asked for but I think It is. (But It is just a weapon to destroy planets, doesn't have events tied to it or other impact in the game)

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8 years ago
Jun 2, 2017, 5:06:49 AM

Personally I was thinking more along the lines of a long range super weapon you can use from your home systems. Kinda like nukes in Civ 5.

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8 years ago
Jun 6, 2017, 7:14:30 PM

For each race can do its own kind of super-weapon for example : Vadani could recycle all soderzhimoe planet in essence; Richborne through singularities would pay an entire system into dust; and the indomitable would by vines to tear the planet apart! the arms should at least match the style of the game for every faction!

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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV Dagart

status updated 8 years ago

The status of this idea has been changed to IMPLEMENTED as it has been implemented in the game. High five! Congratulations!
We did implement weapons of mass destructions. I hope you like it.

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