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Tech Tree (More Techs and More Exclusions)


8 years ago
Jan 26, 2017, 8:18:09 PM

The first race I always play in a game like this is the tech-oriented race. As the Sophons, I totally dominate everyone else in terms of tech every time. by the time I am researching the last of the second era, there is no tech that someone else has that I do not (thanks Omniscience!). While it feels good to be intellectually superior to all other life out there, it also feels a little too straightforward. Every play-through will have me picking just about the same techs in the same order. I hope the Horatio update has added enough "exclusions" to change this.

I remember playing games like Galactic Civilizations 3 and Sword of The Stars (2) and enjoying the difficult decision of choosing one one of 2-3 available techs, knowing that I would not be able to get the other techs unless I somehow gained them from another race. I also liked the SotS2 dynamic where you were not guaranteed to actually research a tech, but I'll admit that that got annoying after a while.

I suggest more exclusions (and more than a choice between just two techs), exclusion decisions to make on techs that were already chosen from an exclusion (tech A makes tech C and D available to research, tech B makes tech E and F available to research and tech C even gives a choice between tech G or H), more prerequisite techs (or linear progression paths), and more tech in general. I know that will be quite an effort for victory condition balancing purposes, but I feel like 100 techs are just not enough to acheive a great enough of a degree of variance in game-play.

While this may be outside of the vision, I certainly hope the Mod API would allow for this, if only just to allow for a tech-victory only style of endurance game.

Updated 2 months ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 27, 2017, 6:50:42 PM

I totally agree. Having more exclusions also means more techs that other empires have that you can trade for, encouraging diplomacy. That was the one thing I liked about the old system; it meant you had to leave some techs unresearched. The only problem was that too many of the techs were mandatory, forcing you to research from the old era once you unlocked the new one, instead of moving forward. I've mentioned this before, but I also really like the branch and leaf tech tree model seen in CIV:BE. Same thing; more (optional) techs you don't unlock means more techs you can trade with other empires. 

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