I'd like to see ship speeds used to calculate flotilla trajectories in battle. The idea being smaller ships being faster therefore able to hold the prefered engagement range better while bigger ships are slower and less able to dictate the engagement range but compensate with more firepower and/or defensive capabilities. I see it as something along the lines of a flotilla being assigned the speed of the slowest ship and then calcuations can ensue. 

For example, 

fast flotilla short vs slow flotilla long => medium then short then short

medium flotilla long vs slow flotilla short => long then long then long

Medium flotilla long vs medium flotilla short => long then medium then medium.

The Idea being a flotilla must be faster than the other to make sigificant ground on it while similiarly paced flotillas will result in only a small closing of distance.

 This would mean players could choose to have a flotilla of small ships that will be able to engage at and then maintain the chosen range but with the tradeoff of not having as much firepower or armor as a bigger ship. This would encourage players to design and build fleets consisting of more diverse hull types, instead of just picking the biggest hull they have access to or can afford.

The downside to such a system is that players may be reluctant to mix ship sizes in a flotilla. However this may be overcome with modules that are more effective on certain hull sizes. For example an anti missile/strikecraft module that is only 25% effective on a large ship, 50% on a medium ship and 100% on small ships. Therefore a player may deploy small craft as escorts for bigger ships etc.