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More ship Hero/Command ship hulls and improvments

Space BattlesShip DesignMilitaryResearchHeroes

8 years ago
Nov 18, 2016, 12:17:25 PM

I was thinking that at the moment this game lacks some serious leadership roles in combat. Besides the Heroes ship which is small as is I think it would be good if you could construct/recruit better ships either for your hero like being able to buy a larger ship for them increases the passive buff that he already gives or a Replacement for the Hero on the battlefield full stop which has a static buff rate increased by stronger modules and Research but not scalable to the ships level unlike the Heroes. It would make it a better experience knowing that A heroes levels aren't just a stat but a physical thing in the battlefield.   

Updated 2 months ago.
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The WISHLISTED status is given by the dev team to ideas they would like to have in the game.


DEV Dagart

status updated 7 years ago

The status of this idea has been changed to WISHLISTED as it we hope to implement it in our game.


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8 years ago
Nov 18, 2016, 12:38:19 PM

There are already support based hulls in the game that have more support slots.  Those are the support ships.  And there are already a couple support modules that would work in a way similar to what you would consider a command capacity.  Such as modules that increase flotilla damage.  So technically, both of what your asking for clearly already exists in the game.  Unless you're talking about something else.  Could you flesh out your idea to be more specific outlining what you're looking for.  If I have a better idea of what you're looking for, I may be able to add my vote then.  At the moment, your idea is far too vague.  Will follow for now and maybe vote after I see more information.  Hope this helps.

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8 years ago
Nov 18, 2016, 1:12:50 PM

yea sorry about the vagueness of it. but what i am talking about it something similar to the Hero ships but build-able in a sense something to give each fleet a leader type ship in fleet fights. I am sorry but i am not sure how to make it less vague. i know about the modules on support type ships having more support slots but it just seems like a more back row fighting type ship i am meaning something that can repair in mid fight or a small bomber that can disable enemy guns for a short time

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8 years ago
Nov 18, 2016, 2:01:15 PM

The support ships seem fine to me to be honest, bar some minor tweaking that will likely happen as development progresses.  As far as command ships.  I get what you mean now.  You're talking about a buildable ship that can take the position of the hero slot if you don't have a hero that can effectively fill the slot.  Kind of like what you would do in Empire total war when you didn't have a general available.   It's an interesting idea.  I would think that these "Sub-Hero" command ships would only have some basic fleet boosting stats and not the scalable boosts like heroes do as they level up.  If that were the case and your were designing specific command level ships using existing or specialized hulls, I think I could get behind that idea.  However, I wouldn't want to see command level "Sub-Heroes" with ships and/or boosts that were better than the ships and/or boosts the Heroes currently have.  If that were the case, then I would like to see the current Hero ships become scalable with the game where, as the heroes level up, so does their ships including scaling up to where your Heroes are fighting in their own bigger ship classes.  Right now, they all pretty much just sit in their tiny ships throughout the entirety of your campaign and never grow with you.  The only thing you can do is change their loadouts.  If you strip out the support hulls portion of your idea, and focus it on the part of your idea for reworking of the Heroes/Command ships, additions/scaling then you'd have my vote.  It's an interesting prospect and well worth a community discussion.

Use the Edit option on the top right of your main thread post.  Think it through.  Refine your idea, get it organized and fully detail it out in that main thread post.

If you still want more support ships/hulls, I'd recommend putting that in it's own separate idea thread.  

It's usually best to have one idea per idea thread.  Otherwise you'll have people like one part of your idea, but not another and then not support it at all simply because they don't like part of it.  Narrow this idea down to focus on the one idea you really want to see happen, and anything that's not related to the same idea should be in their own separate thread.  This way to keep the idea focused on the one idea and it makes it easier to refine it where you'll garner more votes and a higher likelihood of the Dev's taking it seriously.  Remember this portion of the devblog regarding ideas:

There are 8 possible statuses for an Idea:

  • Open: It's the starting status, you can edit and get as much feedback as you want. The Dev Team has not reviewed your Idea yet, or is not ready to update it.
  • Duplicate: There is already a similar idea posted by someone else. You will still be able to Edit/Comment on this idea, but the upvotes will be closed. The Dev Team can choose to reopen it later if it's relevant.
  • Incomplete: The Idea is not complete enough to give a relevant feedback. You will still be able to Edit/Comment this idea, but the upvotes will be closed. The Dev Team can choose to re-open it later if it's relevant.
  • Out of Scope: The idea is too complex, and the Dev Team can't be sure to be able to implement it in the game for the moment. You will only be able to Comment on the idea.
  • Out of Vision: The Idea is not compatible with the Dev Team's vision for the game, or it is not technically not feasible.
  • Wishlisted: The Dev Team is interested in having this Idea in the game.
  • Greenlighted: The Dev Team will very likely implement this Idea in the future!
  • In-Game: This Idea has been implemented in the game, congratulations!
  • Each time the Dev Team will update your Ideas, a short comment will justify the decision.

I'm only trying to help you with this advice.  The Dev's will hold you to the advice that I'm giving through statuses.  It's very important that you flesh it out and refine it.  Explain why you think it will be of benefit to the game and/or why it might be better than an existing system and back it up with solid arguments referring to existing gameplay where it relates to your idea.  I hope this helps you.  I'll keep checking back to see what your idea becomes and whether I can back it.  At the moment, I can't up-vote it just yet.

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8 years ago
Nov 18, 2016, 2:19:25 PM
thanks for the advice i will rewrite my idea to better flesh out it. about the command ships and replacing hero ships with improved if not bigger and better ships.
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8 years ago
Nov 18, 2016, 3:00:24 PM

No problem man.  I'm glad you found it helpful.  One last piece of advice.  Don't forget to refine your categories.  You've selected quite a few that don't really relate to your idea.  I would remove the Factions, Major Factions, Minor Factions, Research and Ground Battles categories.  Those don't really relate to your idea.  Even the Research and Ground Battles could only be applied in loosest sense.  

Keep the Heroes, Military, Ship Design, and Space Battles categories since those ones directly relate to your idea.

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8 years ago
Nov 22, 2016, 6:27:22 PM

I really like the idea of hero ships upgrading as the hero themselves gains levels. I think because Amplitude is pulling so heavily from EL, they will eventually add some mega units, similar to the "Guardians". Having those mega units be flagship type vessels that are connected to the progression of heroes feels like a natural evolution to the systems already in place. It does feel weird that heroes just stay in their tiny ships throughout the whole game. 

Now the question is, how would that upgrading and scaling take place? Would you unlock ship hulls that you could buy  for heroes when they reach a certain level? Would the ships automatically get bigger when the hero levels up? Would you be able to add modules to the existing vessel so that you could customize the type of ship your hero commands? How would the class and faction of the hero in question affect the type of upgrades/scaling their ship receives? 

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8 years ago
Nov 23, 2016, 5:23:43 AM

honestly i thought it would work in the same sense of the academy. Like when the academy reaches lvl 4 or something the ship sizes upgrades or something like that

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8 years ago
Dec 26, 2016, 3:16:32 AM

i have been thinking more on it and getting ideas from other things. There could be different ways for the hero ships to upgrade such as. for military heroes it can be upgraded from combat and get something like trophies that change/improve certain aspects of the heroes ship, exploration heroes get improved scanners and such from finding rare anomalies and other exploration tasks and the system heroes ships just upgrade on your factions income and economy. (not sure if it would work but would give each hero a sense of progression)

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The WISHLISTED status is given by the dev team to ideas they would like to have in the game.

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