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Add many More automatisation options

Game optionsNotification systemShip DesignHeroes

8 years ago
Feb 21, 2017, 1:14:03 PM

When I reach the middle/late game (7+ systems), playing start to be a business about doing all as quick as possible.

Even in late game (11+ systems), spending time about micro-management is boring. 

So it need many automatised options.

System management : add the possibility to "auto manage" by AI.

The AI launch build of Improvements and choose bests options in this system. If queue is empty and AI don't find any Improvements to build, AI choose the more appropriate endless improvement (example, convert 25% of industry in Dust).

Don't let AI automaticaly build Ships ! (or add an option for be agree for that).

Heros : add the possibility to "auto manage" ability level up. the AI choose the best ability for the hero. 

In late game, I can assure it would be helpfull.

Don't let AI automaticaly Improve hero ship (or add an option for that).

Guarding Ships : when guarding a system, automaticaly attack ships if there is 75% chance or more of success.

Else, throw an notification. Do it only if this is an incoming ship, and not if it's another ship orbiting in the system also.

Auto create new ship model : if I discovered a new army tech era, then all weapons are strongers. Give an option automaticaly replacing the old version by the new one of the same category for all ships models. It's boring for the player to check each time all his model and juste replace a weapons level 3 by same weapons level 4 for example.

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Auto Upgrade ships : Add a button for upgrading all ships in the galaxy. The button glow if the game detect any ships ready to be upgraded.

When upgrading, the game spend all ressource he can for upgrading what he can. If there is not enough ressource, the game automaticaly choose ships to upgrade and don't upgrade others.

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Updated 20 days ago.
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3 years ago
Oct 10, 2021, 10:51:02 PM

After playing Humankind, which allows the player to merge cities and outposts, reducing the number of cities to manage manually, I cannot bear the boring micro-management in other 4X games any more.

I think we should let the auto management in ES2 be mandatory, when a hero is assigned.

As a strategy game player, you always want to optimize the outcome. As a result, optional auto management is no different from no auto management.

The game Taikou Risshiden V has a good gameplay allowing the player to assign Kokushu to manage provinces and even start battles against enemies automatically. It would be good if ES2 has a similar gameplay.

Updated 3 years ago.
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