Hello there, we at Caliburn Technologies are proud to unveil the latest in weapons technology for you to salivate over, or click appendages at.

The Purge Swarm technology. This technology enables a military force to deploy dust enhanced drones, we also have nano-machines available; these are incredibly durable, dangerous, but most importantly efficient and incredibly cheap to produce, the production process is delicate but as you'll see from the video we have prepared for you of showcasing the Purge Swarm on one of our asteroid weapons training platforms.

The purge swarm will completely revolutionize the process of extermination; completely and utterly  removing the need for logistics to supply a subjugation force on new planets over a period of months or years, the Purge Swarm can be installed on ships, crews can be trained incredibly quickly, Purge Swarm is designed to be easy to use by even the most uniquely intelligent species.

As Purge Swarm is designed to be cheaply manufactured, yet a very precise and delicate process thanks to the application of Dust, it will be normal for all your fleets to have an area onboard dedicated to hosting a stock of Purge Swarm drones. Instead of sending a military onto the ground to subjugate, and then keep them on the planet for months or even years in order to pacify the general population, you'll be able to send your military, exterminate all resistance and have your troops deploy the Purge Swarm as they depart to continue military conquest.

Purge Swarm technology, an ERA III technology with an ERA IV or ERA V tech upgrade.

Similar to the Vodyani game dynamic, initiated differently; once a military with this technology successful attacks a system and overpowers all resistance a special ability on a ship, which costs 1 action point will be become available to use; this ability, Deploy Purge Swarm is only available on systems which are in the state below, (Occupying faction = defending AI // player faction) + (Attacking faction = aggressor player faction) = enable the aggressor to deploy Purge Swarm(s) from a ship, costing 1 action point, this turns the system into a state similar to Vodyani Hunting Grounds systems, which for context are what systems become after Vodyani Ark Ship attack and subjugate systems with manpower, slowly overtime, the system will eventually lose all occupying pops and system improvements.

You take a planet and immediately deploy your Swarms with a ship kept out of combat to keep its action point ready, this causes you to lose all FIDS from the system as it enters a "This planet is currently being purged, after X turns X pops and X system improvements will be destroyed." the gameplay state will be practically the same as the Vodyani hunting grounds game-state, however it will be different.

For example, the ERA III technology would be weaker than the ERA IV or ERA V tech; once you begin purging a system, the system begins to count down from 100% occupied state, like in the screenshot above, it (for example) will decrease by 8% (these numbers are examples for easier readability) per turn;

Interjection; this opens up counter-play in exactly the same way you counter Vodyani Hunting Grounds systems by recolonizing the system, cleaning out the drone infestation with some good old fashioned EMP and help deal with the trauma brought on by the Replica-- the Purge Swarm.

"Replicators, nooooo!" (An attack from a Purge Swarm is kinda like this, see the Replicator from Stargate SG1)

The ERA IV or ERA V technology, could simply improve the swarm technology with antimatter / adamantium or something, allowing them to purge systems at a faster rate per turn. The initial technology could be faster than initial Vodyani hunting ground timer, and act as an upgrade for Vodyani too? With the ERA IV or V tech upgrading this speed further.

As of such, it creates a gameplay dynamic where you, the aggressor will want to ask yourself, "Do I want to have a fleet stationed here to monitor progress, blockade and make sure no one is able to save this system?" or "Do I want to use all my fleets to Laserjagd the enemy?"

While the player on the receiving end is able to send out a force and take their system back, hooray counter-play and interesting game dynamics! 

(Note, this technology would be in a 'Purge' category, as you receive nothing in return except the strategic and logistical advantage of no empire expansion disapproval)