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Chat service in multiplayer.

ScreenMultiplayerGame options

8 years ago
Mar 26, 2017, 1:00:42 AM
Having played yesterday on a multiplayer with people I noticed a 
problem with the chat.
When browsing through windows like technology or managing an empire,
 chat often overshadowed the various windows.

My suggestion is that when we manage the system or being in some other chat window will not pop up unless we press enter.

The second problem I noticed a little bit less important, however, was that if I made a typo and wanted to move the cursor with arrows, it was moving the map of the galaxy.

The solution would be to simply when the chat is active (we write something) map galatyki was locked, in the sense that it was impossible to move the camera to it on different sides.

I invite you to discuss in the comments. 

We welcome comments and any ideas related to the topic.

Updated 6 days ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 7, 2017, 2:13:32 PM

Out of the numerous ideas which basicaly suggest the same, I chose yours, be content, horatio is in town...

Yes, with the state of MP stability people tend to drop, with the state of personal intelectual capabilities, people tend not to accept steam friend invites on one end or the other.

Resulting in people being unable to find their way back into a game, arrange a game etc.

Also absence of chat disqualifies private IP people who can not host a game and basically spend most of their time witing for a created game to appear with no capability of communicating even their presence.

So yes, we need an actual MP lobby with chat service.

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