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Company Specialties, Trade Hubs, marketplace, luxuries

LawsPoliticsTrade CompaniesMarketplaceEconomyMajor Factions

8 years ago
Nov 21, 2016, 8:42:07 PM

I feel the companies feature is plain, even on paper.

Currently they give too much luxury resources, and don't have other use besides upgrading your cities.

Companies and Company Specialties:

What if you could place an initial fund on a company, that has a unique name and a unique specialty, pick it amongst some random selection (like heroes), if the company size is bigger, the specialty bonus is better, this will make the companies have a larger impact on the game as it progresses, some examples would be: 

  1. a company that enhances colonies/expansion (gives FIDSI% in some type of planets, population growth);
  2. a company that produces spacecraft (support modules cheaper, cost less strategic resources, etc);
  3. a company that affects political parties (lobbies, assassinations).
  4. a company that lowers costs of research in a particular field.

If on peace, there could be a 'contract agreement' between the empires that receive the service and the primary owner of the company. The shareholders could profit with each event that takes place that benefits the serviced empire, for example with each ship production.

As an example scenario: the Industrialists are on power, with the rising power of the ecologists, a new, possible course of action is the assassination of an important ecologist figure: it could be placed as an accident if correctly performed, or if the assassination takes place, cause a civil war, or if the assassin is spotted; a lumeris assassin, it could trigger a xenophobia event, worsening relationships with other lumeris empires, in most of the cases it would pay a service % to the shareholders of the company.

Trade Hubs & freighters:

A 'licensing system' for freighters that increases its cost based on truck quantity besides the logistics, and have the freighters fixed cost(their cost will still increase due to dust inflation).

Trade Hubs: Increased commerce rate and would generate population demands that would need to be solved, if the resources are available by the connected companies it would affect population positively (Approval rate for example) and consume luxury resources. They could be upgraded (in tiers like system development) with dust and giving a lesser bonus (20 instead of 50) of the demand and cost 20 luxury resource. This would mitigate negative events such as a -dust % event could trigger a dustciduous tree demand. With lack of manpower there would be demand for dark glitter, etc.


There could be a link between luxury resources and the senate, laws/acts that work like a government budget that cost dust and luxury resources per turn that improve certain aspects of the empire.


A player could buy/sell shares of a company on the marketplace, invest on them, and they could be promoted in advertisements as well. (For example a new small company that provides a good bonus, to get kickstarted with a lot of dust)

A player could wage war on another, just to have their share of a company.

The stock price could be displayed with a graphic like the strategics and luxuries.

Why shares? players who enjoy war will take their time on fighting while pacifists will look for the benefits of commerce and investment is just another way to get their dust production machines running more efficiently.

Say there's peace in the galaxy... and you found a company that provides cheaper weapon modules, then you incite war amongst fellow empires with your influence and supply weapons to both parties. It could also serve as a friction point between allies.

Updated a month ago.
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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

Though an interesting idea, we utimately opted to keep the trade companies simple as a part of the Dust Economy.


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8 years ago
Nov 22, 2016, 12:30:10 AM

Hey this seems like a great series of ideas, I had some that are kinda similar here:


I agree that the companies system currently in place is rather plain, and that there is a lot of space for improvement.

Our ideas about a galactic stock market are very similar, but I really like your idea that companies specialize in an area which grant your empire a bonus in that same area. 

I'm a bit unclear about the contract agreement concept that you are proposing. Are you saying that certain events, based on the specialty of the company, would trigger a dividend payment to shareholders?

You also briefly mention population demands that need to be solved, which I also talked about a bit, can you elaborate on that idea?

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8 years ago
Nov 22, 2016, 1:49:30 AM
dragons111888 wrote:

I'm a bit unclear about the contract agreement concept that you are proposing. Are you saying that certain events, based on the specialty of the company, would trigger a dividend payment to shareholders?

dragons111888 wrote:

You also briefly mention population demands that need to be solved, which I also talked about a bit, can you elaborate on that idea?

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8 years ago
Nov 23, 2016, 6:18:17 PM

I think I understand now! These ideas seem great. This system would give the players a choice in what kind of company bonuses they want to pursue. I especially like the part where the companies provide a bonus to the empires that are their shareholders. This gives a good reason for players to fight over these shares, besides the inherent economic benefit they bring. 

In the game right now, it seems that the income of a trade company is based on the total economic output of the systems it has HQ and branches in. With your idea, I think it makes sense that the income each company makes be based on its specialty. For instance, a company that gives an industrial bonus would base its profitability solely on the industrial output of the systems that they have their HQ and branches in. It also might be interesting for large enough companies to have an effect on your political landscape. That large industrial company might make your empire as a whole more inclined to vote for the Industrialist party. 

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Nice to have

The NICE TO HAVE status is given by the dev team to ideas they would like to have in the game.


DEV SpaceTroll

status updated 8 years ago

this is very interesting, worth looking at, maybe post release?
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8 years ago
Jul 20, 2017, 4:46:21 PM


About the mechanics:

The current system promotes spamming freighters, subsidiaries and HQ's as soon as you can and they feel like an extension of the empire.

Some things that could improve the current (1.0.20) company system, I don't say all get implemented, it's just a brainstorm:

  • Grow company level from freighter, routes, resources, system development level and subsidiary quantities instead of commerce.
  • Lower the cost on freighters and balance their income
  • Company Specific Trade routes: paying fees for using other company trade routes, buying - selling them out through a screen. (hard to implement)
  • Unlocking new companies would still depend on how much commerce there was.
  • Blockades would still work on your coldwar/enemies.
  • Company subsidiaries cost less and are company specific, you can have many per system and give a small bonus using luxury resources ( for example Jadonyx on System level 1 gives +4 Ind per Pop costs 40 resource, takes a turn to build, the subsidiary could take two turns to build and it could cost 50% and give 50% the reward)
  • Trade routes that go through space without starlanes (like population) with reduced income.
  • Companies could have a selectable "focus" such as increasing the production of a resource, or a FIDSI focus.
  • A Company that produces Jadonyx could have subsidiaries buildable by other empires and they would have an income of it in exchange for dust, this would make the player with the Trade Bureau Center a little less stronger.

This would give a scenario where a player could have a mega corporation with tons traderoutes and freighters and other have many corporations using the first player trade routes.

Another strategy would be to grab systems that produce a certain resource and have a monopoly.

Some Companies could receive a bonus per level:

  1. Extreme Habitats Specialty (or something like this): +1 happiness per population per company level on gas
  2. Efficient Aerodynamics Specialty: 2% ship cost reduction per company level
  3. Dust Prodigy Sensors Specialty: 2% points cost reduction for hero unlock per company level

This could be a bonus for all its shareholders/users.

Others a bonus at a certain level:

  1. Deep Space Inquiries Specialty: 25% cost reduction on support modules on company level 4.
  2. Colonization Efforts Specialty: 20% food on outposts on company level 4 or +1 to system limit.
  3. Equipped Laboratories Specialty: 20% tech cost reduction on science and exploration tech costs on company level 4.

This could be a bonus for the owner/s.

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7 years ago
Sep 21, 2017, 2:15:36 PM

Suppose the total # of trading companies in the galaxy was limited such that not every player can have more than 1, and no more than 2-3 companies could have the same specialty (depending on how many specialties we have).

  • If two companies with the same specialty have connected trade routes to the same system, the one with the better benefits to the owner of that system is automatically chosen (or manually chosen depending on value of that company's focus).
  • The chosen company gets the trade for that system, the other gets nothing.

  • With this, we've just created brands, competing aginst eachother. Consequently, we've created brand wars as some players will find it easier to blockade the traderoutes of their competition with privateers than it is to improve their own product. (Privateers should probably be made available to all instead of a tech to make this more viable)
  • Add in elements that synergize with an eventual espionage system
  • Maybe change up how pirates work (cough cough, shameless plug)

  • All in all, this could make for a "culture war" system far more interesting than Civ's religion system. And add quite a few layers of complexity to the late game.
Updated 7 years ago.
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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

Though an interesting idea, we utimately opted to keep the trade companies simple as a part of the Dust Economy.

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