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Click and drag technologies in the tech queue


8 years ago
Mar 31, 2017, 9:21:44 PM

Any veteran of Endless Space or Endless Legend knows the shuffle of double clicking technologies in the tree to move them to the back of the queue. It can actually take a minute or two to find all the techs and reorder them if you have a number of them queued up and want to add one in near the top. Instead of having to do a combination of alt clicking and double clicking to sort the technology queue, players should be able to drag the technologies left and right, just like in the system building queue.

Another solution would be to order the tech queue identically to the system production queue. The below Gyazo link is a rough mockup of how this could possibly look without needing to add new art assets (please forgive the crappy photoshop work!).


I do not believe "just don't put so many techs in the queue" is a tenable solution. Certainly not for me, and likely not for many other players. If it's not too much trouble to implement, can a more malleable technology queue become a thing by release?

Alternatively, if someone has a good solution to the problem that I've overlooked, please let me know.

Updated 4 days ago.
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8 years ago
Apr 1, 2017, 7:21:29 AM

IIRC they said they were working on this. Just in case upvoted as a reminder.

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8 years ago
Apr 1, 2017, 2:45:18 PM

Gotcha, I searched the ideas section and didn't see anything regarding it. Maybe it was in the forums or a dev blog or something. Thanks for the heads up!

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8 years ago
Apr 22, 2017, 4:21:14 PM

I think they don't even really have to change the UI besides allowing the tech to be dragged and dropped. Meaning, they don't have to redesign the queue method, they can keep current design and just allow reorganization. The techs already display more info on hover, etc. 

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