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More differences between Hero's classes


8 years ago
Nov 21, 2016, 9:14:09 PM

The Current Classes' system is not bad. However, after a couple of games, i feel like there are not so much differences between the Hero's classes.

Maybe it would be better for the whole game if classes were more differents. The Hero's generation system would be more interesting and the choice of the Hero would be more important.

Finally, that would make the use of more powerful bonus possible, as all heroes would have some weakness depending of their class.

Updated a month ago.
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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

We think that between the combination of Class and Faction (including four Minor Faction skill trees), and the current selection of available skills, there is much better differentiation between the heroes than when this idea was posted, so we are marking it as Implemented.


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8 years ago
Nov 22, 2016, 5:19:25 PM

Frankly, I think more definition would help with heroes. It seems like every class is fine with being a planetary governor or a fleet leader. It would be nice to see them get more focused on one or the other, class dependent.

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8 years ago
Nov 22, 2016, 5:39:19 PM
Romeo wrote:

Frankly, I think more definition would help with heroes. It seems like every class is fine with being a planetary governor or a fleet leader. It would be nice to see them get more focused on one or the other, class dependent.

I agree with you.

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8 years ago
Nov 23, 2016, 2:26:44 PM

As Romeo said, pretty much all Heroes can be good at both fleet management and planetary governance. I think this is because each Hero isn't really just one class, it's 3. This means that the Hero class itself is really only 1/3 of what makes a Hero unique. The way the skill trees are set up means that even a Guardian and a Overseer might have 2/3 of the same skill options. In addition, the point limits to access each level of skills means that you are forced to spread your skill points around, forcing you to diversify the skills your Heroes have, instead of specializing them.

I think the Class trees should be the place where the specialization of your Heroes takes place. In many cases, the current Class trees offer skills that help both types of assignment, but I think revamping those trees to be more specialized would help make each Hero more distinct. Basically, if you're going to have generic tree that's always the same and a Faction tree that might be the same, the Class tree really defines that Hero, and should offer more specialization than it currently does.

Now that being said, I love the way that a Heroes' Faction and Class decide what skill options they have to choose from. I really like that system, I would just also love to see it implemented in a way where all your Heroes feel distinct and specialized.

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8 years ago
Dec 8, 2016, 4:04:01 AM

I agree with your proposal, to some extent.

One consideration is that the generic class tree is the same for every hero, which means that - aside from their political party, ship (if they are a fleet hero) and inherent system/fleet bonus, which is usually minor -  there are only two potentially unique skill trees that a hero has access to, and so you will sometimes see practically the same choice reiterated within a major faction.

That, coupled with there only being two different minor faction skill trees (and thank Amplitude for introducing a new one in Update 1, I hope they add one more per update and release), means that often actual hero diversity is somewhat low.

I'm not sure it would be a good idea for current classes - Overseer, Seeker, Guardian, Counselor - to be further specialized. I think it is good that each class has the ability to be a good admiral or governor. In this way ES2's hero system is far superior to ES1, in which specialized governor classes made for very poor admirals, and vice versa.

One change that I would like to see is reduced skill focus on specific planet types, at least within class skill trees. For example, while cold planets are inherently better at science than other types, it always hurts to level up my seeker hero with a cold-planet science bonus when she's governing any other type because I feel like I am wasting potential. If that extra science bonus were related to another factor - the presence of anomalies, luxuries or strategic resources, or population size, among many other options - that would feel less arbitrarily restrictive to me - even if it were just as arbitrary as before.

The point system being locked by tier/ring, as dragons111888 pointed out, is a further restriction on hero specialization. It's not common, but I've been forced to invest in a skill that was unrelated to my hero's focus because my hero had not unlocked the next tier of skills yet. Now, I don't think it is a bad thing that you have to invest a certain amount in a tier/ring before unlocking the next, but being forced to waste a level on a useless skill sucks, and it would be good for those negative scenarios to never take place. Whether that involves the tier/ring restrictions being relaxed or a shuffling of skills between class, faction and general skill trees at each tier - well, either is an acceptable option.

Here's a crazy suggestion: create more than one 'generic' skill tree, so that even among the same faction/class heroes, there can be variety.

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Must have

The MUST HAVE status is given by the dev team to ideas they would really like to have in the game.


DEV SpaceTroll

status updated 8 years ago

it should already be the case, if not we need to work on it.
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8 years ago
May 17, 2017, 4:50:31 PM

It would be nice if we saw more of the uniquenss of the heros portrayed in the skills like instead of having 3 sections of skills we have more along the lines of 4 skill sections. 

One for general generic skills that should have use and not be overetaken by the others. 

One for political affiliation that is shared between all of the same political party. 

One for faction specific hero skills. and finally one for class specific skills. 

This way you can have a really unique hero or a more generic hero depending on your choices. This also allows for militaristic heros for example, to be very fleet oriented or very ship bulding oriented as a Governor.

Hopefully as well it may keep heros of the same faction, but of different classes from feeling so extremely similar, because one hero is a milatarist and the other is a scientist. 

This also should breed some differences between classes because of the political affiliation.

Updated 7 years ago.
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8 years ago
May 25, 2017, 9:38:27 AM

If anything I'd like seekers to gain access to the probe skills earlier on, maybe give them an ability to boost curiousity (If they don't already have it, I may be overlooking things).

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8 years ago
Jun 12, 2017, 6:29:55 AM

Joke is guardian (oh yeah the fighting fleet guy) with either 40 or 80% industry bonus comes out as the best governor, coupled with military bonuses he becomes a "must have to win" for any latter fleet engagements.

Also who made up, that certain races get 80% or higher dmg bonuses and other races get none? I get trying to make it like variable but seriously? If i don't get such a hero in selection on market and down powerlevel them ASAP I might aswell quit the MP game, if others have them by default.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 15, 2017, 8:25:58 PM

yes more differences between planet administrator and fleet commander. And more focus between defense vs attack abilities or farmers vs scientistific boost for example. The versatile abilities have to be kept but inside more specialized class.

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7 years ago
Nov 25, 2017, 6:31:29 PM
It's not common, but I've been forced to invest in a skill that was unrelated to my hero's focus because my hero had not unlocked the next tier of skills yet.

I must do that choice pretty often, I would say it's common, I agree with your ideas and the other comments.

I know it's harder to balance the game if heros are different, but I like to care about them in games, to feel some unique aspects.

While we are talking about specialization, all heros have a ship, but a governor that will stay all the game in a system don't need/use it.

What if, at some point in the progression, we must choose between a ship or a little building (or a specific law, or else) for the hero ?

Instead of just spending a point with xp gained, some skills could use specific luxury to be choose (that idea can be bind we the topic of ideas for more use of luxury resources). It must be balanced with the tiers of resources, but it could make the market and exchanges more useful.

Less important, but can be done easily and it doesn't deserve a new topic, about their specific interface. In heros's tree, change the shape and/or the color of the skill (actually all round) depending of its purpose. Skills for battle could be in a triangle, things like that, to clarify the interface.

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7 years ago
Nov 26, 2017, 10:56:12 AM

All good ideas there ^^

In addition to the last, which only seems to make easier the spotting of the skills by there purpose, i think it would be good to have a little more skills. 

More choice to avoid that "invest in a useless to me skill" effect.

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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

We think that between the combination of Class and Faction (including four Minor Faction skill trees), and the current selection of available skills, there is much better differentiation between the heroes than when this idea was posted, so we are marking it as Implemented.

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