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I would like more information on the wiki about how each factions ships function different.

Space BattlesShip DesignMilitaryMajor FactionsFactions

8 years ago
Apr 3, 2017, 6:47:17 PM

This idea is pretty simple.

-In each update video with new factions, the devs describe how the ships are unique to added faction in terms of design. Example (Horitio has fewer nodes, but more options; Riftborn have very speacilzed types with attach ships having lots of guns, while no defense and vice versa; and the United empire has a strong mix of Defense and attack power)

-What I would like is this to be applied to all the factions on the wiki. It would help players figure out how to build their ships, and what advatages and disadvantages against other factions they have.

Updated 6 months ago.
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8 years ago
Apr 30, 2017, 6:08:08 PM

This definitely needs to be addressed. The wiki only lists basic population information and unique abilities + how the ships look like, but nothing else.  As of now the only way to find out how different factions' ships differ from each other in general sense is fiddling with the in-game ship designer yourself and making educated guesses based on that or looking up every update video that came with each major faction addition.  There's no need to add detailed numerical information (though that wouldn't hurt either), just basic short paragraph reiterating what was said on those update videos, followed by the ship models.


Riftborn ships are designed with a single purpose in mind: efficiency. As such, they are not bound by the laws of physics that other races of the Endless universe must obey, and the geometrical patterns and orbiting nodes of their ships echo their quasi-robotic forms. Their hulls can be equipped with a higher number of modules compared to other factions' ships, but are a lot less versatile when it comes to loadout. Riftborn ships are so specialized that attack ships provide little defensive capacity, while support ships are almost bereft of weapons.

The United Empire fleet features powerful warships equipped with a high count of offensive / defensive modules and limited support modules. The ability to generate and spend influence on warship construction makes the Empire a fearsome opponent that can build up strong fleets to dominate the game early on.

Without providing vital information like this new players are most likely lead to think that apart from size the ships of each faction are only cosmetically different and function otherwise the same to other major faction equivalents, f.ex. something like Stellaris, or supposedly vanilla ES1.

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8 years ago
May 1, 2017, 3:14:23 AM
hera35 wrote:

This definitely needs to be addressed. The wiki only lists basic population information and unique abilities + how the ships look like, but nothing else.  As of now the only way to find out how different factions' ships differ from each other in general sense is fiddling with the in-game ship designer yourself and making educated guesses based on that or looking up every update video that came with each major faction addition.  There's no need to add detailed numerical information (though that wouldn't hurt either), just basic short paragraph reiterating what was said on those update videos, followed by the ship models.

Without providing vital information like this new players are most likely lead to think that apart from size the ships of each faction are only cosmetically different and function otherwise the same to other major faction equivalents, f.ex. something like Stellaris, or supposedly vanilla ES1.

Same, My favorite faction is vodyani. But what make vodyani ships better or worse then craver or sophons. Just detailed information about the number of moduals per ship hull would be enough.

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8 years ago
Jun 25, 2017, 10:46:36 PM

Here's a list of each factions' ship slots. I rank them in order according to the total number of ship slots they have.

Explorer: 1 weapon, 1 armor, 1 support, 1 weapon/support
Attacker 9 total: 3 weapon, 3 armor, 1 support, 1 armor/support, 1 blank
Protector 9 total: 1 weapon, 3 armor, 3 support, 1 weapon/support, 1 blank
Hunter 13 total: 1 heavy mount, 2 weapon, 1 weapon/armor, 4 armor, 3 support, 1 armor/support, 1 blank
Coordinator 12 total: 1 heavy mount, 1 weapon, 4 armor, 3 support, 1 weapon/support, 1 armor/support, 1 blank
Carrier 15 total: 2 heavy mount, 2 weapon, 2 armor, 4 support, 2 armor/support, 1 weapon/armor, 1 weapon/support, 1 support/armor

I thought the Lumeris were just a bunch of merchants but their ships offered lots of ship slots and with great versatility.

Colonizer: 4 support
Explorer: 2 weapon, 3 support
Attacker 10 total: 4 weapon, 4 armor, 2 support
Protector 10 total: 2 weapon, 3 armor, 5 support
Hunter 12 total: 1 heavy mount, 8 weapon, 2 armor, 1 support
Coordinator 12 total: 1 heavy mount, 1 weapon, 4 armor, 6 support
Carrier 16 total: 2 heavy mount, 5 weapon, 5 armor, 4 support

Four changes to make the Riftborn better:

A. Protector- only has 3 armor slots while the attacker has 4 armor slots. Change one or two of the support slots to armor.

B. Hunter- has too many weapon slots, it has 9 total weapon slots! Change one or two weapon slot to support

C. Coordinator-change two support slots to armor

D. Carrier-change one weapon slot to armor slot.

Explorer: 2 weapon, 1 support, 1 armor/support
Attacker 9 total: 3 weapon, 3 armor, 2 support, 1 armor/support
Protector 9 total: 1 weapon, 3 armor, 3 support, 2 armor/support
Hunter 12 total: 1 heavy mount, 2 weapon, 5 armor, 1 support, 1 weapon/support, 1 armor/support, 1 blank
Coordinator 13 total: 1 heavy mount, 2 weapons, 4 armor, 3 support, 1 weapon/support, 1 armor/support, 1 blank
Carrier 15 total: 2 heavy mount, 1 weapon, 3 armor, 3 support, 2 weapon/armor, 1 weapon/support, 2 armor/support, 1 blank

Colonizer: 3 support
Explorer: 2 weapon, 2 support
Attacker 9 total: 2 weapon, 4 armor, 1 support, 1 armor/support, 1 blank
Protector 9 total: 1 weapon, 2 armor, 4 support, 1 armor/support, 1 blank
Hunter 11 total: 1 heavy mount, 2 weapon, 3 armor, 2 support, 1 weapon/armor, 1 armor/support, 1 blank
Corrdinator 11 total: 1 heavy mount, 1 weapon, 3 armor, 3 support, 1 weapon/support, 2 armor/support
Carrier 15 total: 2 heavy mount, 4 weapon, 3 armor, 2 support, 1 weapon/armor, 2 armor/support, 1 blank

Sophon attacker: change one of the armor slots to weapon

Colonizer: 3 support
Explorer 4 total: 2 weapon, 1 support, 1 armor/support
Attacker 8 total: 3 weapon, 1 armor, 2 support, 1 armor/support, 1 blank
Protector 8 total: 1 weapon, 2 armor, 3 support, 1 armor/support, 1 blank
Hunter 11 total: 1 heavy mount, 3 weapon, 2 armor, 2 support, 1 weapon/support, 2 armor/support
Coordinator 12 total: 1 heavy mount, 2 weapon, 3 armor, 3 support, 1 weapon/support, 2 armor/support
Carrier 15 total: 2 heavy mount, 1 weapon, 4 armor, 4 support, 1 weapon/armor, 1 weapon/support, 1 armor/support, 1 blank

United Empire:
Colonizer: 1 weapon, 3 support
Explorer: 2 weapon, 1 armor, 1 support, 1 armor/support
Attacker 8 total: 3 weapon slots, 2 armor, 1 support, 1 weapon/armor, 1 armor/support
Protector 8 total: 1 weapon, 3 armor, 2 support, 2 armor/support
Hunter 11 total: 1 heavy mount, 3 weapon, 2 armor, 2 support, 2 weapon/armor, 1 armor/support
Coordinator 11 total: 1 heavy mount, 2 weapon, 2 armor, 3 support, 1 weapon/armor, 2 armor/support,
Carrier 15 total: 2 heavy mount, 3 weapon, 3 armor, 3 weapon/armor, 3 support, 1 armor/support

UE Protector-change one of the armor/support to weapon/support.

Colonizer: 2 armor, 2 support
Explorer 5 total: 1 weapon, 2 armor, 1 support, 1 armor/support,
Attacker 8 total: 2 weapon, 3 armor, 1 support, 1 weapon/armor, 1 armor/support
Protector 8 total: 1 weapon, 3 armor, 2 support, 2 armor/support
Hunter 11 total: 1 heavy mount, 3 weapon, 5 armor, 1 support, 1 blank
Coordinator 11 total: 1 heavy mount, 2 weapon, 4 armor, 3 support, 1 blank
Carrier 15 total: 2 heavy mount, 2 weapon, 5 armor, 2 support, 2 weapon/armor, 2 armor/support

Unfallen Hunter-change one of the armor slots to weapon/support

Colonizer: 3 armor/support
Explorer: 1 support, 2 armor/support, 1 blank
Attacker 7 total: 1 weapon, 2 armor, 1 weapon/armor, 2 armor/support, 1 blank
Protector 7 total: 1 armor, 2 support, 3 armor/support, 1 blank
Hunter 10 total: 1 heavy mount, 2 weapon, 2 armor, 3 armor/support, 2 blank
Coordinator 10 total: 1 heavy mount, 1 armor, 3 support, 1 weapon/support, 2 armor/support, 2 blank
Carrier 13 total: 2 heavy mount, 2 weapon, 1 armor, 1 support, 4 armor/support, 3 blank

To the developers please make the Horatio ships beautiful, right now they're not that attractive, the colors need a little help.

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