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Wrecks and debris during combat

Game optionsSpace Battles

8 years ago
Apr 5, 2017, 8:58:18 PM

Why is it that all sci-fi spaceships are filled to bursting with explosives? If its ammo stores are hit I understand, but when real life ships get damaged enough without being hit in the magazine they sink, rather than get vaporized. Similarily, shouldn't the vessels of ES2 leave smoking, disabled wrecks floating off into the distance, rather than flash bright yellow then vanish (not what an explosion looks like, btw :P)

If you want to get fancy, have those wrecks split apart as they are wracked by internal explosions, external ammunition that was fired before its death, or collisions with other ships.

Updated a day ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 22, 2018, 7:40:01 AM

i am from Eve online, and i really want to see wrecks after a battle or maybe after a failled exploration mission etc.

Maybe just wrecks in the system or sometime on a planete, because maybe the ship in the panic of the fight tried to land on a planete.
And so why not a new strategic cards: "last hope" when we fight but try to land the rest of the fleet to save some mens, and "if" we can come-back, then we can salvage some ressources and why not took back a little man-power.

Then why not new technologie to be able to "save" ships from wrecks, and why not a special technologie in science tree to repair a ship who isn't from our faction ? and then using them like pirate ships ?

I think there is many possiblity in this way.

Like including in the fleet a ship to salvage after the battle if we win instead of a strategic cards who give use science or dust if we win, this didn't have sense for me, why our battle ship will be able to salvage or generate ressources without the right modules for that ? just a "strategic cards" ?
i am not blaming anyone, that just nt really logical and imersive, and i know that ES2 want to be imersive.

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