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Upgrade Vodyani Arks Independently

Ship DesignGUIFactions

8 years ago
Apr 16, 2017, 7:36:06 AM

Instead of having one Ark design in the Ship Design menu that we update every time we want to edit one of our Arks, I propose that each existing Ark be updated independently, similarly to how hero ships are updated. Basically, when the player selects an Ark, have a button to edit it. The Ark design in the Ship Designer would then only be for new Arks.

The reason is because often the player might want to have Arks specialize in different things. Maybe some Arks don't need an engine speed boost module, but others do. Maybe upgrading an older Ark to the latest and greatest is too expensive, but some kind of upgrades are still desirable. Currently doing these types of tasks requires changing the Ark template to match the Ark you're currently working on. If this idea was implemented, then each Ark would store it's own configuration, rather than relying on a shared template. 

Imagine trying to use a shared template for hero ships. It would be terrible for the same reason. 

Updated 9 days ago.
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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV SpaceTroll

status updated 8 years ago

it is too much micromanagement, we tried and removed it because of that.


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8 years ago
Apr 16, 2017, 3:53:35 PM

I agree with this as the current method we are forced to use to specialize Arks is a bit clumsy and results in us constantly having to edit and re-edit the same design even when we only want to customize a couple existing arks but want to keep the original template for new ark ships.  Upvoted.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Apr 17, 2017, 12:45:38 AM

Maybe when you autoupgrade you can choose different variations for the hull type,  like a science one can be configured differently then a economic one. 

So you make a new ark, with a crap ton of thrusters to get to a new system quickly. Once its there you can upgrade it between the different speacilizations.

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8 years ago
Apr 17, 2017, 9:03:26 AM

I agree that Arcs should be able to be upgraded independently. I mean, it's nice to have an "Upgrade" button, like it is now, but considering that Vodyani Arcs are pretty unique in ES2, we should have the ability to customize each of them individually, their modules and hence bonuses to system's production.

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8 years ago
May 25, 2017, 6:52:04 AM

As I understand it, Arc FIDSI modules replace planetary specializations available to other factions. So it would make sense to allow to modify them according to the system the Arc is anchored.

Make individual Arcs modifiable would improve their nomadic flair: moving and adapting to their environment.

Maybe the modification should have a special influence or essence cost.

Updated 8 years ago.
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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV SpaceTroll

status updated 8 years ago

it is too much micromanagement, we tried and removed it because of that.
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8 years ago
Jun 19, 2017, 3:10:17 PM

@SpaceTroll, it's too much micromanagement to consistantly switch designs between your "colony" Arks (which are often specialized) and your military Arks. 

Having the ability to at least create two designs would go a long way into alleviating this. 

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8 years ago
Jun 21, 2017, 12:20:51 PM
Aea wrote:

@SpaceTroll, it's too much micromanagement to consistantly switch designs between your "colony" Arks (which are often specialized) and your military Arks. 

Having the ability to at least create two designs would go a long way into alleviating this. 

I agree with the Idea of having more than one Ark design (we could choose between severals at the creation)

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8 years ago
Jul 20, 2017, 1:41:48 AM

@SpaceTroll, I completely disagree! It's a LOT more micromanagement the way it is now. This idea would *reduce* micromanagement and make the Vodyani Arks feel more complete.

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8 years ago
Aug 4, 2017, 12:27:32 PM

I think this idea is going in the wrong direction. Instead of developing Arks independently, I think having the option to select the Ark as an available ship hull would remove the problem. You can have the standard Ark ship layout as the colony one (as you start with it) and you could create one to several custom Ark layouts for your military (or hybrid) ones. It would basically work like every other ship layout. It would make it impossible to switch from the starter layout to a custom layout, like with other ship hulls, but that would be within the limitations of the game.

@SpaceTroll: wouldn't this be feasable?

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7 years ago
Dec 12, 2017, 10:35:08 AM

Please rethink the Out of Vision status. I've just been trying the Vodyani for the first time and I found myself wishing you could do this. It would especially be useful during early game, when you only have a few Arks and you want to micromanage each one. See my comment on Arks As A Selectable Hull Type--the option for several simultaneous Ark designs could make micromanagment easier later in the game.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Aug 7, 2018, 9:59:14 PM

The Behemoths allow you to have multiple templates, so there's even less excuse for this to be considered "Out of Vision" now. I despise the current system, that requires me to write down all of the modules one of my Arks has so I can recreate it, then make my change on the template, then update my Ark, and then move on to the next Ark, which has different modules, so I have to write them down to recreate that design in the template, etc. It's just rediculous.

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6 years ago
Sep 3, 2018, 12:58:38 PM

Please rethink this. It's much less micromanagement than the present system (write down current design in system, go to design screen, make sensible upgrades, save design, find original Ark, upgrade that Ark, repeat for each Ark in empire...).

Updated 6 years ago.
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