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Constructed System Improvements screen...

ScreenSystem Management

8 years ago
Apr 26, 2017, 4:06:06 PM

Too many screens in the game drop important data like Location or Hero name while scrolling deeper into data space (yet plenty of screen space appears to be available to be consistent in design. In addition, the "Constructed System Improvements" screen should scroll like the system view screens do. See example image.

Updated 2 months ago.
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8 years ago
Apr 26, 2017, 5:01:48 PM

The Constructed System Improvements screen, could also visualize which improvements give the most benefits in a list, which also could be sorted by a filter (Dust, Industry, Food, Science, Influence) in order to give a feedback to the player if the investment was worth the construction or if it would be smarter to drop/destroy the construction (direct comparison dust-income through the improvement < city upkeep cost through the improvement)

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