1.Would like two seperate skill... um... plates? Pies? One for if the hero is admiral one for if govenor. I think there should be more made of the heroes with a couple of connected missions unique to each hero. I would also have more of them generated and have admirals the only people who can have a fleet with warships in. Like the way Total War went. Colonisers, scouts and dropships can be the only ones that can travel around without an admiral. Which then means you can name your fleets! Hurray. It's something that this game has partially cracked. I can have a little narrative for the few fleets that have an admiral in but otherwise there are too many ships flying about and the constantly and randomly changing fleets names reduces many to just numbers. The problem with this is the way the larger strategic game is arranged; like a train network on both system to system and cluster to cluster scales, it becomes purly about stationing enough ships at crux points. A game of noughts and crosses. A fleet cap would create more tactical play and bring personality to your fleets, something I love in the total war series.
2. Your scout ship has two probes you need a probe per annom Endlessly tapping sleep until probe is built. How about a screen comes up with - it will take you x amount of rounds to survey this sytem, with each anomily listed and the time each will take. You can then queue say one or two or the whole damn lot.
3. something needs to be done about accidently triggering the system cut scene, its lovely and i really like it but i don't want it every time I roll the mouse wheel a bit hard towards the system or what ever I am doing to keep triggering it.
4. not enough things to build in general but too few unique mega constuctions specifically. How about a set of mega construction that need several systems to help build it, or you need to enlist another race%2Fempire.
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