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Add more uses for luxury resources.

System ManagementMarketplaceEconomy

8 years ago
Apr 29, 2017, 2:08:40 PM

Luxury resources seem to be a bit underwhelming in Endless Space 2. You don't use them much except for pacifying your population when they're unhappy and to build system developments. I think it'll be great if there are much more uses with them.  Here are some proposed examples; feel free to leave your own.

Applying a short boost to one of your system.

 - Here's a neat example. If I have tons of luxury resources but I haven't got the tech for system development yet, it would be nice if I can pop open my luxury resource and not have to wait around for 20 turns or so. The boost should be short and not too strong so that system developments won't be ignored. For example, I could use 25 Transvine and push my approval of a system by 10 or so, bumping it up so that my approval ratings will go from content to happy. To make sure that it'll continue to be fair, it should be a tech that needs to be unlocked.

Can be used to remove negative anomalies early in the game. 

- Negative anomalies are just annoyances until the tech for removing them is unlocked (which is pretty late in the game). I think it would be nice if you can research a tech which allows you to use luxury resources to remove negative anomalies earlier in the game. Note You can still remove anomalies without using luxury resources as long as you unlock the tech for doing so. .Different luxury resources are required to remove different anomalies. For example, "metallic waters" can only be removed by Jadonyx (we can say that a compound in Jadonyx purifies the water) or long season can only be removed by Super Suds (we can say that super suds can be made into fertiliser that help plants and animals resist the winter). This will keep up with the lore of the game and encourage trade of luxury resources.

Can be used to boost up positive or neutral anomalies.

- Here's the opposite of what I said earlier. This part was pretty fun to thought of. :) Now this should be a tech much later in the game (tier 3/4) but it can be very useful. When unlocking the tech, you can use "distribute" or build buildings that will boost up positive anomalies. When "distributing" the effects last for a limited period of time and uses up luxury resources depending on how many pops are there. By constructing buildings, you use a fix amount of luxury resources but the efforts are permanent.  Now here are some examples I thought of:


 * Psychoactive Air + Eden Incense: Improves approval and adds industry per pop - Distributed - "Combined effects of these two externalities causes affected subjects to believe that "boring" and "tiring" to be fun and exciting."

 * Hadopelagic Life + Redsang: Adds dust per planets, adds +dust per pop on oceanic planets - Built - "Unfortunate sea-creatures and Redsang are used to create mouth-watering delicacies that are irresistible to most while being quite costly to create.

 * Single Moon + Super Suds: Adds +dust per pop - Built - "Upon being planted on a moon colony, it was found out that Super Suds grew quite abnormally and almost surreal-like in low-gravitational environments. Clever entrepreneurs caught up to the idea and created "green-house museums" which guillable visitors can visit in exchange for massive amount of currency."

EDIT: Now a person suggested that the first idea was a bit overpowered and it'll make the other ideas redundant. I forgot to add in that there is a timer after you use a quick boost of a luxury resource. Lets say that the boost last for 10 turns, once it's over, you'll need to wait a additional 10 (or any other number) turns before you can it again. That'll probably balance things out. 

These are the ideas that I thought of, feel free to share in your own opinions.

Updated 2 months ago.
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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

While we have the ability to apply a short boost to a population type, the majority of this idea is unfortunately Out Of Vision for Endless Space 2.


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8 years ago
Jul 26, 2017, 11:38:52 AM

personally I feel that luxury resources don't really feel like luxury resources. they feel like strategic resources that can't be used in guns. in real life, luxury resources are consumed by the general populace to increase their quality of life, and, locally, anyway, they kinda seem to work like this. but considering resources are being shored up instead of being consumed, not really. the local boosts you get are fine, but what if you also wanted to provide the boosts to get on one system in another? such as colonizing a system on the other side of the galaxy that contains dark glitter so the people in your capital can enjoy jewelry shipped in from the new colony. sure, there's the colony upgrades, but these are flat one-time costs, and I find it odd that hundreds of generations of horatio can make due with only 40 eden incense.

I feel what could work would be a system improvement that costs resource upkeep. the building unlocks the second you get your hands on the resource, or alternatively after building your first trading company and collecting the relevant resource, and consumes, say, 3 of said resource every turn. if there's no resource to consume, the building turns off and provides no benefits. so if you gather 40 eden incense and build an incense factory, you get to enjoy a boost for 40 turns, but after that the building provides no benefit to the system, meaning it's only really useful if you have a steady supply of the stuff (which trading companies can help with)

the obvious downside/risk to this is that generation isn't infinite (well, without trading companies anyway). if there are only 20 nodes of bluecap mold, this means you can only support so many structures before your output exceeds your input and your structures begin to fail. so until you can afford to spread it around, you need to decide who needs it more - your industry system that's at max pop cap probably doesn't need any hydromiel, but they could certainly use some voidstones.

as for the bonuses, you could make a 2-tier system. the first building simply provides the local bonus, but across the entire system (planets that already have the resource get no benefit from this, so this can be disabled for systems where every planet already has the resource). the second building is unlocked via tech, much like how uncommon and rare techs are locked behind tech, so common tier 2 buildings are unlocked at the 3rd tech tier, uncommon at 4th, etc. the second building has a heftier maintenance cost, but provides a larger boon to the system, potentially one not provided by the first tier or the colony upgrade menu (sure, super spuds are better potatoes, and such a great source of food, but like potatoes, they also make excellent batteries! a cheaper alternative to conventional batteries, saving minerals for better uses, or allowing more machinery to function at the same cost! or something like that)

by allowing buildings to consume resources passively, you can give unused resources a purpose other than selling en masse on the galactic market (I'm looking at you, uncommon base resource tier). This also gives the trading company a greater purpose aside from dust generation since you can use the resources generated by your late-game 5 lvl 20 trading companies to further boost your system's FIDSI.

of course, for AI weighting, it should be ensured that the AI don't try to build this unless they have passive generation with a decent cushion (so if a building costs 3 per turn, they won't build one until they are making at least 13 of that resource every turn to ensure they can still upgrade their colonies or sell on the market)

Edit: I should've expected this. bleh. sorry for the wall of text.

Updated 8 years ago.
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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

While we have the ability to apply a short boost to a population type, the majority of this idea is unfortunately Out Of Vision for Endless Space 2.

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6 years ago
Dec 22, 2018, 10:16:00 AM

Wholeheartedly for this, Luxary reasources need to be expanded on.

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7 years ago
Aug 4, 2018, 8:24:45 PM

Interesting. I like the "Can be used to boost up positive or neutral anomalies" idea. Hope to see this in-game!

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7 years ago
Mar 28, 2018, 12:09:34 PM

Well damn, 3 million votes. 

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 8, 2018, 11:50:23 AM
Kerimacus wrote:

the boost system FIDSI is a good option, it was already in endless legend and would give us something to do with extra luxuries other than just overflowing the market

P.S. Forgot to add if the cost is calculated by number of planets in system or current population it could make it more interesting 

Ahhh. A new comment after 7 months. That's something. Now about the cost, I'll leave it to Amplitude for balancing. However. I do think it would it be a good idea to use a algorithm based on the number of planets you have along with the the population you have. Cost might get a bit complicated to figure out though. 

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7 years ago
Mar 8, 2018, 9:59:34 AM

the boost system FIDSI is a good option, it was already in endless legend and would give us something to do with extra luxuries other than just overflowing the market

P.S. Forgot to add if the cost is calculated by number of planets in system or current population it could make it more interesting 

Updated 7 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jul 26, 2017, 6:40:09 PM

Well I never expected this much feedback. Good to see other people weighing in their opinions.

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8 years ago
May 8, 2017, 8:11:53 AM

Good stuff here.

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8 years ago
Jul 25, 2017, 12:01:11 PM

Another potential Luxury sink would be to give them to heroes for a minor power bump. 

Something like -.1 hydromeal/hero level/turn to heal 1 turn faster and +5 food per system level. 

You would not want players to be constantly switching to the hero screen to toggle it so add a small fixed cost to turn it on.

Nothing game breaking or build around, just something small to have the flavor of your heroes using your luxury resources more directly. Sort of a soft Abundance mechanic from Endless space 1 for when you have enough that you dont care about the resource. I can't count the number of times i have sold 200ish Redsang to the market for pennies because I literaly have nothing to do with it.

The hero level tree seems to have tons of room for UI elements and already has a space for listing miscelanious effects. So a small toggle for each resource shouldn't be that hard.

I made a quick mockup.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jul 19, 2017, 4:29:58 AM

Dude, did you make a post and then deleted it? 

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8 years ago
Jul 18, 2017, 4:26:36 PM
Zennock wrote:
minurominerwin wrote:

The boost should not be to a particular system, it should affect the whole empire. Otherwise, it would be more tedious to manage.

It doesn't seem that hard. Add in a little GUI that shows which luxury resource is in effect and it'll help make things clearer. Your proposed changed sorta reminds me of how luxury resources worked in Endless Legends. It doesn't sound that bad but it seems a little bit over-powering. 

EL style luxury management would probably be easier to code than being able to inject each individual system, but ES2 has always been about careful system management. Shoring up a single system's weakness by paying a small amount of resources (1 or 2 per population or just a flat cost between 10 and 20) is probably the better way to do it. The inverse would be paying, say, 80 Redsang to blast your entire empire with a food boost one or two systems need, when you could have developed 2 systems to level 2, or barring that, just used the boost on the systems that needed it.

What I would suggest to balance this idea out is three things; first cut off boosts with a luxury resource once the system is levelled up using that specific luxury. For example, say you were boosting a system with Jaydonix to keep its industry up, and then you levelled it up with Jaydonix development; you can't boost that system with Jaydonix after that, since its being commonly used in the system's infrastructure, but you can still boost it with, say, Void Stone or Transvine or any other luxury not a part of the system's infrastructure already.

Second, the number of resource boosts you can have active should be limited by the level of the system itself. So if you have a level 1 system, you can only have one resource boost active on it at a time. A level 2 system can have two different resource boosts active on it at a time, and so on. This way, the boost mechanic is limited not only by the number of resources you have, but by your overall development.

Finally, the same luxury boosts shouldn't stack; they just reset the time before the boost ends. So you can't just pile Transvine onto a level 3 system and have indefinitely ecstatic approval, or the like.

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8 years ago
Jul 4, 2017, 2:12:41 PM
minurominerwin wrote:

The boost should not be to a particular system, it should affect the whole empire. Otherwise, it would be more tedious to manage.

It doesn't seem that hard. Add in a little GUI that shows which luxury resource is in effect and it'll help make things clearer. Your proposed changed sorta reminds me of how luxury resources worked in Endless Legends. It doesn't sound that bad but it seems a little bit over-powering. 

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8 years ago
Jul 4, 2017, 5:04:59 AM

Applying a short boost to one of your system.

 - Here's  a neat example. If I have tons of luxury resources but I haven't got  the tech for system development yet, it would be nice if I can pop open  my luxury resource and not have to wait around for 20 turns or so. The  boost should be short and not too strong so that system developments  won't be ignored.

The boost should not be to a particular system, it should affect the whole empire. Otherwise, it would be more tedious to manage.

Updated 8 years ago.
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Must have

The MUST HAVE status is given by the dev team to ideas they would really like to have in the game.


DEV Dagart

status updated 8 years ago

we need to dig further in more uses of luxuary
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8 years ago
May 9, 2017, 4:44:18 PM

I hope Amplitude's guys see this quickly. I agree that you could use Luxury resources in another ways too.

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