There are already plenty of suggestions surrounding peaceful conversion taking away systems just as truce is made, and I know it's gonna change to Peace/Cold war only.
I would still like to contribute my idea, which is in my opinion, more Elegant.
In the diplomacy screen, political pressure is generated via influence gain, while on the galaxy map, difference in influence is shown by the borders.
So it feels weird that with a truce, political pressure is back to neutral but map borders are not.
Therefore I think borders should be split evenly as well at the end of a war between participating empires.
How to draw the line would be a question, I propose the following :
1.Get a map with the systems marked by ownership at end of war.
2.Blow up influence zones equally until the area covers all of the two empires zone at the start of war.
3.If the current zone of influence overlaps with the drawn influence zone of the opponent in war from step 2. shrink it until no more overlapping happens.
Since there may be regions where three borders join, it would not work well if it's done circular. Instead, simply remove the influence zone overlapping opponents imaginary zone.
After redrawing the borders, we need to let them expand and meet again. Which the best way to smoothly do so is maintain the imaginary zones. And let true borders push against imaginary ones until it meets the actual border.
The next problem is How much resistance the imaginary border provide. The obvious answer is either opponent's influence or zero. But we can mix it up a bit.
All listed below describes the actual border growing against an imaginary one.
A.More influential empire grows against influence, less influential empire grows against 0.
B. More influential empire grows against influence, less influential empire doesn't grow (cause it shouldn't be pushed back by blank space).
C.. winning empire grows against 0, losing empire grows against influence.
D. Both sides' zones grow against 0.
We can use A.B.or C. in the truce duration and move to D. if borders aren't touching yet.
With this method, wars would redraw borders in an appropriate fashion, as they should do, and allow truces to be more meaningful.
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