Hello everyone.


So here is my idea for fighters bombers and such.


Well my idea needs the devs to give people more work to do when in battles , make them more rewarding so the players bother more for them and have them be more impactful to the overall scheme of things.


1.Rewards: Get more exp in battles and have fleets that partcicipate in battles specialize , like a fleet that gets bonus in lasers after they defeated enemies in battles using them.

As long as that fleet is active they have a title such as "Laser Destroyers" accompanied by the said bonus.


2.Impact on the overall game: We produce ships way fast I think , especially bigs ships , I think that biggers ships need to be slow on production and when lost , hard to replace , maybe an impact on morale of the enemy like reduced productivity and reduced happiness for a few turns.


3.Fighter craft I would split the fighters into 3 simple categories

Interceptors: Fast fighters with high evasion useful for interception of other fighter craft or missile interdiction , can't do anything on capital ships and capital shps have low chance of hitting them even with point defence. We should be able to do what we want with them, defend the fleet from missiles and then fighters or go on the offence and destroy other fighters before they get to close.

They can also get equipment to scout with probes instead of anti fighter weaponry.


Fighters: Multirole , able to attack other fighters but also having a limited bombing capability , kinda like an X wing , lasers and a couple of missile launchers , they should also be able to focus on fleet defence or attack.

Ultimately we should be able to choose how much lasers or torpedoes we can get with a limit and a ratio of 70% anti fighter and 30% anti ship.


Bombers: My idea of them is carrier based so not the bigger ones, they have limited self-defence against fighters (and that is something that should vary from race to race on all types of fighters) and are good against fighting capital ships.


I think that we should be able to make fighters from the start and not just on the final tier with the Carrier.

We should have another command point scheme seperate from the one for the capital ships.

We should be able to have a fleet of just fighters.

The basic fighter that should be availble from tier 1 should be the Fighter(multirole one).

We should be able to customize them like other ships.


Heroes: We should be able to get heroes that have fighters instead of a bigger ship but not just one fighter but a squadron of them with the hero as the leader.

But you should lets us to choose what ship a hero can have, if you don't want us to do it all the time maybe just from when we recruit the hero, so we get a screen where we can choose what type of ship he can have.


That is all , thanks for your time!