very simple idea/option.
can we get additional opition to hide/show score on the "end turn" button. everything would be exactly the same,the name of empire ,the colors etc.
2 reasons for this idea :
1) It should be very easy to implement, its a minor thing
2)More options for players , those who want to keep the score . they can.
those who want to play the game knowing less about their foes (MP especially) can choose "off". in my opinion turning this off makes the exploration of other races more appealing / useful and games bit more unpredictable
(mp mostly)
Example: send 1 cheap patrol to see how many systems they have and how many ships are orbiting their systems without previously knowing that they have 600 score @turn 50 while you have 300. Keeping galaxy under partial control ,trying to figure out who is the biggest threat ( Threat not in terms of score, because most mp games are played with score victory OFF, but in terms of strenght)
again, just an option, nobody will be forced to play without it and it takes 1/50th of the screen (the button to disable /enable)
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