The bureaucracy of a vast interstellar empire must have been a nightmare - not to count the planets and the cities in it
The bigger the bureaucracy, the more loopholes it must have created; corruption would spring up in many systems
So there's the idea: the bigger your empire gets, the more corruption is present in the systems you own, especially systems in the outlying regions.
The amount of Dust lost from the corruption will be tied to:
1. the number of systems in your empire,
2. their relative location of the system to your home system,
3. the colony level (the ones you unlock by choosing luxury resources),
4. how many economic System Improvements in that system.
For example, the Noverus system has a direct starlane with the home system so it has much less corruption than Tsing system which is located in the borders of the empire, yet Tsing, a level 2 colony, has slightly less corruption than its neighbor Andromeda, a level 1 colony. The amount of Dust lost in Tsing is increased because it has a Xeno Travel Agency (forgot the proper name) and a Pulvis Production (also forgot the name for this one too)
Also, the presence of certain System Improvements will decrease the corruption e.g. that Dust-sweeping system improvement you get from the Intergalactic Security Treaty tech
The amount of Dust lost itself is also slight, like maybe -10 to -30, as to prevent the corruption from becoming an annoying mechanic yet has enough impact to make players think and consider their expansion and system improvements
So I guess that's it for my idea! Feel free to add suggestions (or critiques) to my idea!
P.S. Please forgive my color and bold/underline spam
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