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logo amplifiers simplified
8 years ago
May 28, 2017, 3:05:41 AM

having fleets across all your planets to protect against invasions and blockading (and pirates and whatever) is pretty expensive (upkeep too) and annoying to micro manage.

alow the player to build static defence that can't move but offers decent firepower for the investment in return. the upkeep should be more manageble compared to fleets too. maybe they can also have extra benefits like ecnomy/trading boosts, minefields, extra production or faster repairs etc. 

this may be a thing for an expansion later down the line

Updated 6 days ago.
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8 years ago
May 29, 2017, 8:07:12 AM

If they do make this feature, I think it'll be better if they make this a mid to late game unlock because it's like having a micro-planet if it gives production/trade/Dust bonus complete with defense and minefields. It'll be more scary if it has a population slot of its own!

As for the minefield, the minefield could be a theater bonus for space battles in that system - except that it's visible when you see the space battle, and will do damage if a ship (both yours or the enemy's) bumps into them.

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8 years ago
Jul 6, 2017, 6:51:41 AM

Whenever I play, I often make my own version of "Orbital Defense Platforms" with absolutely no engines in favor of more support/defense. But this is a temporary solution, and I would love to see battlestations implemented!

I agree that this might need to be an expansion-level idea as I would assume that Amplitude would have to make 8 station models for each faction. But the payoff would be enormous!

What I would envision is a new "hull" in the shipbuilding screen, where you could customize your station with all the traditional modules (minus engines) and have a new module type/slot for station specific ideas like the minefield option, repair bays, trading hub, etc. I would also assume that the best place for a technology like this would be in the same era as the coordinator/hunter hulls so that is introduced in the mid game and potentially countered with the advent of the carrier in late game.

But hey, that's just my take on the situation!

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