There is a real ergonomic need about heros affectation. And without that, heros affectations are made near blind. Maybe not in early game, but for sure when we get more systems to manage.

HOW to send the right Heros in the right place ? Where is information for doing that in the best way ?

For now, it's in many separated and differents screens, making that unmanageable without spending really too much time and complication.

DisgruntledGoat describe here how complicated it is to manage heros :

My proposition is :

Make a global screen for heros affectations. Here player can manage affectation of all heros in all systems.

And this screen have informations about :

  • What are the biome abilitys of heros.
  • What are the planet biomes of the systems.

At left of the screen :

Hero list. Show some useful information like heros level, put additionnal information in popup tips.

  • Clearly readable : each heros ability giving a biome advantage. And if the heros already unlocked it, or even it's a potential ability he can unlock later (very important !). 
  • Example : +5 Industry on Hot Planets.
  • In this list (or tips if no place), indicate also others abilitys about system developpement. In particulary Food ! Because a food ability can be useful if you want affect heros in a new colonisation. Also Science, if you want to send heros in a science production specialised system.
  • Clearly readable : if heros is actualy under cooldown. If heros is affected currently to a fleet.

At right of the screen :

System list. Show some useful information like planets already colonized or not, pop quantity, put additionnal information in popup tips. It's usefull to know also some information about actual Fids production.

  • Clearly readable : Show each planet biome (Timming, desertic, Hot, Cold, ...). Show for planet already colonized and even for planet not yet colonized (very important !). 
  • Clearly readable : what heros is actualy affected to this system.

Functionnality of the screen :

  • With a button, drag and drop, or anything else, player can affect the heros to a system !

Others considerations :

  • Some others informations can be usefull, like unlocked abilitys about fleet advantages. Player need to know if a heros should be affected to a system, or if he prefer affect him to a fleet, even if this heros have system management abilitys..
  • The screen could do a "simulation" of affectations, showing what change when heros are affected. then player click on a button and select "VALIDATE" the affectations.