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8 years ago
May 28, 2017, 9:43:35 AM

I really like the Endless games but with the overcolonization penalty, I always had my struggles. When some race declared war on me e.g. in Endless Legend and I won, my people were completely unhappy afterwards. In Endless space I read the same can happen again. I think the penalty shall avoid a quick expansion, however final expansion is also an essential part of such games. What, if there are important ressources on  systems with only one planet due to the random generation? Soemhow there must be a way to overcome the penalty in midgame. Thus why not removing systems from the penalty list once they reach lvl2 or reduce their penalty to 50% at level 2 and to zero at lvl3.

Updated 15 days ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 10, 2017, 6:35:54 PM

I agree something needs to change about the overcolonizations penalty. as it stands I've no idea how anyone could ever even achieve an expansion victory. getting 33 systems when having 22 is crippling me end-game? nope. 

I get why it exists as a game mechanic and it worked well enough in endless legend as you could ultimately remove it 100% if  you combine 2 techs and a legendary deed, making an expansion victory actually feasible, but nothing like that exists in ES2. you get to expand you limit trivially twice and apart from heroes boosing happiness significantly is actually really hard.

I think excluding core systems (max infrastructure level) would be a nice idea, althought the point it bothers me the most is when you're stuck with a bunch of conquered worlds you can't vacata because you don't have 100% ownership so you're stuck with a big hapiness penalty after a war until you get full ownership everywhere. that just sucks, especially when you didn't want the war to begin with. some way to just bomb the enemies pops tot oblivion would be nice.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 14, 2017, 7:16:27 PM

Currently for me it really destroys the game. I had Cravers and Vodyani declaring war on me, now I own their planets ;-) and still loose due to rioting. What could be done is a percentual reduction of money positive income to give smaller factions a chance or other things, but the overcolonization thingee is destroying a really great game.

Updated 8 years ago.
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