Hi, it would be cool to have some synergies between skills, or requirements.
Right now, you can have one skill which reduce -20% hero dust per turn cost, and one other which reduce it by 100%. If the last skill would need the previous one fully upgraded, it should be more logic.
And synergies between jobs, religion and race would be cool too. Like some skills between the 3 paths.
(a zealot craven would have some ship short range/infantry attack bonus, a militarist one would have some ship long range attack and defense bonus, a zealot unfallen would have some influence bonus, and so...)
And synergies between weapon tiers (like the system tier skills)
(+5% on projectile weapon per projectile module tier, for instance)
And it would be cool if you had skill trees or specializations at max skill level
(choosing between "+20% projectile damage" and "+33% projectile and -20% laser damage", for instance)
And sorry for the broken english. Feel free to correct me (by MP, it would be nicer)
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