Hello, I would like to propose the idea how to make the game more lively! 1) this is a minor faction they need to be more independent, what would they colonized star systems, traded with each other have entered into alliances or, on the contrary fought! Each faction should have its own design karabl (open over time, all corps), leaders, and heroes!more diplomaticheskogo interact with them naprimar: trade, to take them under protection, or the exchange of populations! It would have made the game a minor civilization more alive and colorful. 2) Or take the same pirates add pirate bases in hard-to-reach system which will zamaskirovalis from all! for the pirates, their leaders and heroes with whom the player definitely will meet. And they weren't Tami what would the faceless are now! And their fleets would be constantly under disguise and that they would have to find preslely to popotet and Doodle would a player steal people, robbing of the colony, would suit Devers! But with proper diplomacy could take to negotiate, and persuade them to attack someone else! all it would greatly enlivened the game, and would make it more interesting and dynamic! you can also arrange a contest on this topic!
Uluchsheniya small factions and pirates to give the game more of a living game world!
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