Hello !
I think, that the luxuries ressources stacking infinitly in the stocks and have not many really cool use are a little defiency in the economic gameplay. It's not a big deal : not game breaking, not frustrating at all. But i am pretty sure a lot of players would like to see an use of thoses supplies.
My idea is that systemps upgrade consume each turn a amount of the stock of the luxuries that the player used to build it. Those luxuries provide an extra bonus, added to the base bonus of the system upgrade. If there is not enough luxuries into the stock of the empire to provide the system upgrades, they allow their base bonus, but not their extra bonus.
For example : Player has an system upgrade built with eden incense. In any case, the upgrade bonus grants +2 influence to each pop of the system. Also, the player have 9999999999 eden incense in stock. The system also consume 10 eden incense via the system upgrade, and grants an extra bonus : +10% eden cookies to each pop.
Interest :
- I don't know if my proposition is THE solution because it's not really interactive, but it's for me a fair idea to make extreme stock of luxuries more rares, and luxuries income more relevant !
- That make decision making about system upgrade more tricky, because you need to think about resources you can refill for your upgrade. Make an upgrade with resources you cannot refill easily may be worth if you think you really need the base bonus, but it's a hard choice. I like the idea to make choices harder.
- Market gain an extra utility : it's a way to acquire resources tha you need to refill your system upgrades.
Problem :
- The consumption of luxuries may be a obstacle for create new system upgrades. If you consume the same amount of luxuries that you produce, and possess 0 of the luxury, you are a little bit fucked up if you want build a new upgrade. This idea also need a solution to actively stop the consumption, like a neutral law, or a direct tool in the economic panel (why not a little padlock on the line of the system upgrade)
Extra thought :
- This idea could also create more decision diversity on if the bonus allowed by consumption is different than base bonus. For example : base bonus of eden incense is +2 influence by pop, and consumption bonus is +5% xp gain on the hero. base bonus of jadonyx is +4 industry by pop, and consumption bonus is -5% on ship cost on system... Etc..
- It could be cool if there was a law that allow to increase the consumption and the effect of luxuries resources if the idea is even on day in the game. For players who really want to make a maximal use of the mechanic.
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