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Faction specific weapons

Ship DesignSpace Battles

8 years ago
Jun 2, 2017, 3:27:23 AM

As the title says, and something I feel like ES is missing are faction specific weapons. 

Each faction should have at least one weapon that is unique to them or at the very least a weapon derivative of one of the basic weapon types which has a unique effect in battle.


Sophons: Insight Torpedoes - These special warheads cause minimal damage but disperse nanite sensors across the target ship's hull which relay structural weak points to the fleet. The information results in increased critical hits for all other weapon types for a brief window during combat

Vodyani: Leach Beams - These special beam weapons convert a portion of the damage done to enemy ships into repairs across the flotilla. 

Updated a month ago.
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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

We have several unique ship modules for different factions, and each faction gets their own unique Behemoth modules. We hope this satisfies this desire for faction specific modules.


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8 years ago
Jun 2, 2017, 10:52:09 AM

Really nice idea, but I think it should be extended to faction modules instead of only weapons. For example Horatio should have something like :

Cloning invasion module : Regenerate manpower over time on the ship freely.

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The WISHLISTED status is given by the dev team to ideas they would like to have in the game.


DEV Dagart

status updated 8 years ago

we have done a bit of that already like for the cravers and the vodyani and even the riftborns...
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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

We have several unique ship modules for different factions, and each faction gets their own unique Behemoth modules. We hope this satisfies this desire for faction specific modules.

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