Currently there are some strange interactions with how terraforming works. This idea however doesn't seek to fix terraforming which I've already seen some ideas dealing with. I do think the current setup of planet population sizes and relative FIDSI outputs is kind of lopsided and doesn't promote wanting to terraform.
That is a link to my proposed changes with the current FIDSI (taken from game) on the second tab.
Some Highlights:
- Currently Jungle/Boreal are a downgrade from Mediterranean/Tundra. You can't terraform into Mediterranean/Tundra so boost Jungle/Boreal outputs.
- That also helps with another issue of Arid/Snow to Jungle/Boreal, where it felt like you lost too much Inudstry/Science for it to be worth it. (except on maybe tiny planets where per fertile bonus would win out)
- Arid/Snow are worse than Desert/Arctic so boost Arid/Snow. Losing sterile modifier and 2 dust for 1 food is not worth it.
- The jump from Toxic to Savannah/Steppes is really large and it's FIDSI total given population is quite abysmal.
- Ideally I would add a stepping stone between them and call it Swamp or Bog. It would be similar to the current Toxic FIDSI but with better happiness and population max. Then boost the current Toxic's Dust and lower food a bit to make it more in line with how other planets of it's population max feel.
- Alternatively just bump toxic's population max and happiness
- This isn't related to FIDSI but once you hit Savannah/Steppes in Terraforming, you can no longer reach Ocean/Atoll. I would add Savannah to Mediterranean and Steppes to Tundra to fix that.
The gas giant numbers are just ideas and I'm not currently to bothered by them in their current state. Given the lower dust numbers on other planets it does make it seem like the current Dust Giants have a higher "value" compared to the other Gas Giants
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