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Increased manpower effect on fleets

Space Battles

8 years ago
Jun 5, 2017, 1:07:31 PM

Rationale: It is too easy to overwhelm manpowerfull fleets with no manpowerfleets that you produce at large.  
Effect: Each 10% of full manpower nets 2% damage, 1% accuracy bonus (countering evasion) and 2% defensive bonus. For a grand total of 20% dmg 10% accuracy 20% defensive bonus at 100% manpower.

Updated 11 days ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 7, 2017, 12:33:50 PM

Rather than a fixed bonus I suggest the bonuses become connected with manpower upgrades, composition and technologies.

This can unlock another depth to ground battle compositions.

For now I feel that flotilla crew killing equipment is close to irrelevant.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 7, 2017, 3:26:39 PM

That is actually a superior idea to what I am suggesting. I think that sounds very interesting as it would create more drive and reason (and strategic options) with these technologies. 

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8 years ago
Jun 7, 2017, 4:02:47 PM

You mean something besides , "ugh let's go 100% tanks again for next 50 turns..." ? Maybe. :-D

Now let's have a look from other perspective of the not so manpower heavy player, I have UE with ship hp law invading me, those are very sweet strong stategic heavy pieces there, not perfect but really hard to break.

I am unfallen, been a silly happy hippy and only slowly catching up with the military tech, I however am superior in industry and can dish out over 100 ships a turn (needing 15 000- manpower a turn to fill them) problem is, there are nowhere near enough strategics in the galaxy, so I am forced into making cheap throwaway ships to throw at him in hopes of breaking the tank, it works, slowly and tediously, but it does. I can never match up to his fleet manpower wise.

I would never have this problem in ES1 obviously, but I guess we are way past that.

In the end I won, simply by slowing him down and clicking eco turns away, but 

Who is in the right then?

UE player who created one guardian enhanced unbrekable deathball and should get additional bonuses, cause it's filled with manpower?

Or Unfallen player who struggles and is slowly catching up with the tech but unable to use most of it cause the strategic AND manpower drain is overwhelming to the needs?

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 7, 2017, 5:02:59 PM

Superior economy would still tend to win, but in any tactical fight a manpower fleet could gain the upper hand. I think this would work out quite fine balance wise.  It just gives yet another considertion into fleet composition and more tactical options. if you are largely ahead strategically it would likely not matter still. 

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