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8 years ago
Jun 5, 2017, 1:16:18 PM

Rationale: Currently ES2 is a great free for all fight  with diplomatic deals to end up as alliances possible during the game progress. However an option to create teams at the start of the game could mean MP games of 2v2 3v3 or also for single players to learn from the computer or play cooporatively vs the computer. 
Effect: An option to set teams at start creating shared vision/maps, shared wonder effects and shared technology and shared victory conditions.

Updated 7 days ago.
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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

Though we agree that this would be a nice option to have (especially to create interesting matchups between factions), we had to admit that the changes required to truly make this option work (re tech trading, start position, etc) are out of vision/scope for ES2.


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8 years ago
Jun 7, 2017, 1:59:41 PM

Retionale is sound, this needs to be implemented prior to your team ladder ideas.


  • it slightly undermines the alliance tech, although it technically becomes a must for trading techs afterwards
  • first point suggest you need to get an option to disable tech trade
  • enforces pacifist heavy meta (I mean lumeris could use a big buff, but maybe one of two only suitable picks is too far)
  • Victory (non supremacy) conditions are currently scaling with alliance size, so common practice is for player to just leave alliance to win early (cause it's mostly only about clicking end turn couple more times anyway)
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8 years ago
Jun 7, 2017, 3:37:47 PM

Thanks again for the discussions:

- Regarding alliance tech I believe that a team should be considered one player for alliance purposes and the tech enables teams to ally with each other.  (As the simplest solution)

- Tech trading would still be possible between alliances as players on same team automatically got the techs they discovered. But an option for disabling tech trading would be welcome in my book as well. Perhaps you can make this an idea I can certainly upvote that.

- Sure it makes some combinations stronger but this is true for most games in 1v1 compared with 2v2 etc and this only makes the game richer in options on how to play it I believe. 

- Victory should be scaled to team sizes (relative to each other so if team a is 3 and team b is 2 players the victory requirement scales higher for the 3 players (1/3 more) 

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 11, 2017, 3:07:38 PM

I second this idea. It would be great to be able to set up a game such that individual players can be assigned to fixed teams at the very beginning.  These teams would be immutable and would last until the end of the  game. Similar games such as Civilization have had this feature for a long time.

I always play "co-op" with my partner, and the lack of such an option is disappointing to us. We end up working around it by promising not to attack each other and seeking to enter an Alliance as quickly as possible and then never leave it. We also try to ensure that our starting positions are close to each other, recreating a game if necessary. It would be great if this was part of the game itself instead of having to "hack" around it.

More importantly, this "hack" creates an imbalance with the AIs, which are not teamed. I guess one way to compensate for that to increase the difficulty level, but still.

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8 years ago
Jun 14, 2017, 9:06:23 PM

Not needed but cool addon to this: Let players control a fleet together and view battle together in team mode and allow them to combine fleets as well. 

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8 years ago
Jun 15, 2017, 8:29:20 AM

I talked about something that could prevent a player in an alliance to leave early in my topic!

I really like your idea, that exactly what I would like actually.


Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 18, 2017, 12:37:27 AM

Thanks for liking the idea! I had a 2v2 game today and it was a lot of fun. Having a set team option and start playing as a team from the start would be even better and I really think this make this great strategy game even more full of new tactics and synergies between team members. 

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8 years ago
Jun 18, 2017, 9:13:30 PM

Here is a 2v2 matchup with video from this week. It would have been even much more fun if vision / techs where shared from the beginning. 

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Must have

The MUST HAVE status is given by the dev team to ideas they would really like to have in the game.

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7 years ago
Nov 18, 2017, 9:21:02 PM

Thanks guys for supporting this. Yeah this would be neat in Endless Legend as well I agree. But poor devs lets focus on ES2 for now :)

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7 years ago
Mar 10, 2018, 10:32:58 AM

This feature is critical, it's literally the only way I play turn based strategy games. It's far to easy to steam roll the AI without it.

We basically dropped ES2 as it lacked this feature.

RE tech trading - as mentioned a few options:

  • Disable
  • Enable with techs (as usual - but this means one player will race for this while the other does the heavy lifting combat wise early on, bit OTT micro)
  • Disable with shared pool of research - say each players research value is the mean value of both players
  • Enable with techs but limit number of trades - either increase diplo cost (in which case half of every alliance will be empire) or an inverse logarthymic scale based on number of turns as the game slows down i.e. 1 per 10 turns, then 1 per 5 turns, all the way to 1 per turn (again adding a bit of micro but with reminders could be quite nice "alliance tech trade available")

Starting placement also needs consideration. In Civ IV it was quite hilarious to have to surivive on one continent alone until the techs were discovered to connect the alliance, so I think flexible options would really allow for some good gameplay stories.

Another thing would be quick re-roll of starts. I don't mind playign challenging starts but when there are two people committed - it's no fun it one person has to play a long game from a disadvantaged start. In this respect ES2 suffers from the same issue as ES1, but to a less extent!

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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

Though we agree that this would be a nice option to have (especially to create interesting matchups between factions), we had to admit that the changes required to truly make this option work (re tech trading, start position, etc) are out of vision/scope for ES2.

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