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Hero Ranks/Titles as they level


8 years ago
Jun 6, 2017, 11:31:33 PM

I have been feeling I am missing a sense of attachment with Heroes and I think this would help. 

Obviously, there is already a levelling system in place and I think this would be very easy to implement.  It would also add a bit of flavour and immersion to the characters.

To keep it simple, and I am sure that people could make a mod later to increase the options, but it would need to be in place to mod. So, I am asking the Devs to implement and for you guys to vote for, a simple Ranking/Title system for the Heroes.

1) Every 5 levels a hero gets a title 6 levels total I believe. 

2) If they are in a fleet they get a military rank from Lieutenant up to Admiral.

3) If they are on a planet they get a Governmental title- Like governor, representative, all the way to President or CZAR.  

3) The title should change, depending on assignment and level, obviously.

4) include a way to be race specific for future expansion with mods.

For example, then a modder could put in a title such as, Lord of the Flies, Knight of the Round Table or Grand Puba.  Etc it doesn't have to be specific, just a file that can be editited by modders to add some flavor to the game and mods.

Thanks for your Vote

Updated 6 months ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 7, 2017, 9:13:23 PM

I dont know. I think this is the least important thing. It would be more immersive if each hero had exclusive quest, or made comments about your government, or had a system of levels less tired and more visual.

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8 years ago
Jun 7, 2017, 11:49:15 PM

It is mainly a function that I would like in there, so that Modders can create titles and such for the different races, which adds more flavor to the game.  I don't think it would be very hard to implement.

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8 years ago
Jun 18, 2017, 4:44:17 PM

any modders out there interested in this idea?

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8 years ago
Jul 4, 2017, 4:58:09 PM

2nd good idea to make the heros more enjoyable.  I find they are grab and forget ATM

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