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Ship and task group UI changes


8 years ago
Jun 9, 2017, 2:10:46 PM

Do you guys get frustrated like me with the way we select ships, and manipulate task groups etc.

I get irritated at the way the current interface works.  I have a few changes that I would like to propose that should make using task groups and ships easier in the game.

1) When you create a task group by pulling ships out of the hanger. The game currently makes you reselect the task group. I propose that when a task group is created, it stays selected so it can be manipulated easily. This eliminates one mouse click and lots of frustration.

2) I would like to make the select all button a toggle switch. Currently, when you select a task group it highlights all ships anyway.  However, I do not always want this function on, it makes it too easy to forget and leads to whole task groups being merged. 

3) Something has to be done to fix the selection in the "Hanger window" it is very clunky, sometimes there are delays in the selection, and it doesn't always work well.  Some refining processes need to be done here to make smooth interaction. 

4) ADD rename task group functionality on the main screen.

5)(optional) Add in Right mouse button functions, it is pretty ridiculous this doesn't exist in the game. Using the alt or control keyboard as a  special function is a bit absurd when the Right mouse button has been completely neglected.  Maybe there is a good reason I do not understand?  Could it be as simple as adding a menu of options? Like maybe  RENAME...etc

Updated 13 days ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 9, 2017, 3:19:17 PM

It's just what happens to me and it's very annoying. You had a good idea. And there are a lot of interface things that need refining. When you get to turn 100 and you have a lot of fleets and systems, managing it all is hell.

With this, we could assign task groups to systems and build improvements for all at once, instead of doing one at a time for example.

Updated 8 years ago.
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