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Vodyani's first quest points to a minor faction

QuestsMinor FactionsMajor FactionsExploration

8 years ago
Jun 9, 2017, 2:54:12 PM

Vodyani are very sensitive to the early game. Either they find a minor faction right away and begin collecting essence and become extremely-rush capable, or they can take quite a while scouring their constellation trying fruitlessly to find it. If this takes long enough, they can be put direly behind since the early game demands a lot of efficiency.

One really simple tweak could help though -- why not have it so when the first Vodyani quest pops, one of the two "pings" for the pirate locations is over the first minor civilization?  This would remove some of the necessity for blind luck, but would require the Vodyani player to immediately design and build fighting-capable scouts which is something they should be doing anyway.  (because the Vodyani are largely aggressive a faction)

It might not even be a bad idea to make it just one ping, but either up the pirate difficulty -- make it three ships instead of two -- or reduce the quest reward. Either way, the goal of this idea is to both reduce a bit of the blind RNG in Vodyani early game while slowing them down just a little bit.

Updated 3 months ago.
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