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Allow us to choose what design to upgrade/refit to.

Ship DesignMilitaryGUI

8 years ago
Jun 10, 2017, 6:29:28 PM

Instead of having linear upgrade paths allow the user to select ships and then select which design to upgrade to. 

due to the way strategic resources work it would be far more convenient to have a basic design that most ships use and an elite design using rare resources. not being able to refit a ship to your own wishes makes little sense anyway.

I feel the current system exists as it does only because it's the classic 4X approach to upgading units as it's relatively simple to implement but I think we can expect more from a 2017 game.

actually, it's interesting that you can actually do just this with hero ships but regular ships work completely differently.

Updated 4 days ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 11, 2017, 2:44:37 PM

I second this. In fact when I played my first game and wanted to revisit my ship designs, I naively decided to destroy all my existing ship designs and recreate them again from a clean slate (perhaps with better names, etc.). It came as a shock when I realized that not only I couldn't upgrade my existing ships to any of these new designs, but on top of that I won't ever be able to upgrade them to anything since I've destroyed the original design.

At the very least the game should not allow the player to destroy a design "line" that is currently in use by any existing fleets, because no-one in their right mind would do that: how can you be sure that you will never ever want to potentially upgrade that ship before the end of the game?

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