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8 years ago
Jun 13, 2017, 10:04:31 PM

Another simple enough idea, make System Developments use up Luxury Resources passively based on Population after being completed, to reflect the idea of the resource becoming a part of the local culture instead of a vague building material. Also allow System Development effects to be deactivated and an Approval malus applied per Pop when the Populations passive consumption cannot be met, much like Laws.

This would prevent the massive over-accumulation of Luxury Resources which are currently a problem, limit the completion of System Developments to make them more difficult and meaningful, and add a realistic aspect to Luxury use which can then be keyed off of in Economic warfare and conflict. It would be akin to the British addiction to Tea or the American addiction to Coffee, and how a shortage of a countries favored Luxury resources can ruin their economy as workers become cranky and miserable without their morning drug of choice.

This could accompanied as well by a new illustration for when Luxury Resources go into "bankruptcy" or "shortage," with an image of a household rummaging around for something that has run out, and a particularly cranky and tired individual realizing they've run out. Perhaps a Sophon holding a container of nondescript spice or beverage powder upside down and eyeing it with displeasure, while another member of the household rummages furiously through the pantry or fridge for more. Shortages remove the benefits of a Luxury from developed systems, and eventually break the System Developments using the luxury after some time, "selling off" those developments in a manner akin to the sale of Improvements during Bankruptcy and providing the player the chance to create a new Development recipe with a different resource, to avoid being forever deadlocked by a lack for resources.

This idea is meant to be taken as part of a set with my Raiding  Invasions, Economic Colonialism, Economic Quadrant Privateers, and Comparative Economic Victory ideas to improve the  state of Economic gameplay in ES2 currently.

Updated a month ago.
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8 years ago
Jul 6, 2017, 7:10:41 AM

I just gotta say that your suggestions in your economic improvement set are great and they really need to get the attention they deserve! This one especially is a perfect answer to an issue that several people have noticed already, and I believe this is the most elegant proposal I have seen so far as it doesn't resort to boosters (although on a limited scale they might be okay).

I especially like the mental image of the Sophon household btw! Hilarious!

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jul 6, 2017, 8:28:23 PM

Absolutely agree. Right now, I can sell all the luxury resources (all 999) coming in from trade routes every turn to artifically force the inflation rate up. I would love to see something to balance that.

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8 years ago
Jul 11, 2017, 7:23:00 PM

Thanks guys! I think this woumd open up a lot of new strategies.

Case in point, because this allows for brutal shortages and rationing of important materials, it would now be possible to inflict market scarcity on people by buying up resources. Your neighbor is in a war supported by their awesome Industry luxuries? Well, you don't want to start a war, but you COULD buy out those resources in the market to prevent your neighbor from keeping up with their demand. If the resource comes from trade routes in your territory, some closed borders or a cancelled trade agreement could seriously disrupt their economy, allowing you to push for better deals.

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