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Diplomacy trading


8 years ago
Jun 16, 2017, 5:00:31 AM

When looking to trade resourses you have to click on  the appropriate one you want to trade...only to find out they have 5 superspuds...after waiting for them to think about it.

why not have the avalible ammount right on the deplomacy screen?

if that is too powerful, it would be an exellent idea to add spies (say you want to know if they have a specific rsource? well that will take time/money/research whatevs) and you would have to be prepared to make a deal once you found out.....(maybe further trends in their economy of specific resourses could be fetterd out?)

Updated a month ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 16, 2017, 5:08:12 AM

i realize the spy thing is not an easy task, but if we can find out what an opponent has just by clicking on it...why not have it cleary visable to save us the ai thinking time?

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