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Battle Cards and Flotillas

Space BattlesMilitaryHeroes

8 years ago
Jun 18, 2017, 2:14:10 PM

The Battle Card aspect of space combat I find to be very lacking at the moment.  Here is why:

1.  Each race basically starts off with the most used (useful) Battle Cards right off the start (Turtle and Power to Shields).

Not only do these cards set your attack formation but they also are altering the amount of damage received or dealt.

2.  Anytime you have overwhelming odds and are like "ooh im gonna cash in on that dust gain (card) or influence gain (card)", the enemy just retreats.

3.  Your fleet is a precious resource where it's more important to save ships than gain dust (for example).  In a close fight, I would never pick gain dust over say Turtle or Power to Shields.

What if:

1.  A card could be assigned to each Flotilla.  (and that would determine the fight path of each flotilla).

2.  Unlocking battle cards (and using them in combat) were unique to a particular hero and having that hero present in the space combat.  (Otherwise you would have basic, basic command instructions).

3.  There was a mixture of two effects on the cards (ex.  Shields up and Gain dust) or some in game mechanic that would allow the user to "create" battle cards with desired effects.

Under the current state of the game, I don't see any reason to use another card other than Turtle or Power to Shields.

Updated 14 days ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 20, 2017, 10:17:24 PM

Where to begin with cards?? 

I wish the AI would use them correctly, more often.

Tactics are just that tactics.  I would like to see that you can pick the formation for the card that you want to use.  Having the Tactics and the Bonus separated.  I think they are going to revisit the cards, so having a well thought out plan in a presentation really helps them get ideas.

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