Hi everyone,

So here it is at last: builds for Endless Legend. From now on, it's going to be a bit complicated so you need to pay attention. smiley: smile Indeed, we are releasing several builds on the Beta branch feature that Steam offers:
  • 32-bit: The 32-bit version of 0.4.8 for 64-bit users having issues with the 64-bit version.
  • beta-test: The new 0.5.3 version for 32 and 64-bit users.
  • beta-test(32-bit): The new 0.5.3 version for 64-bit users having issues with the 64-bit version.

To access these 0.5.3 versions, you will need to:
  • Right click on the game in your Steam library
  • Select Properties
  • Select the Beta tab
  • Select the version you would like to play in the drop-down list:
    • 32-bit: 0.4.8 for 32-bit
    • beta-test: 0.5.3
    • beta-test(32-bit): 0.5.3 for 64-bit users having issues with the 64-bit version
  • If you would like to get back to the regular 0.4.8 version for 64, simply select "NONE - Opt out of all beta programs

Our QA team approved the current build but we are aware that you might encounter issues. If that is the case, please report them on the Technical Support section with a clear title:

How to help us to fix a bug?
If you encounter an issue that is not in the list below, please send us a Dropbox link (or equivalent) or zip and attach your files to your post (how to) with:
  • Issue - Describe your issue: it's simple and it helps us understanding what you want us to fix
  • Version - What is the game version? You can find this out in the game menu, at the bottom left of the screen. smiley: warning
  • Output_log.txt - [Steaminstalldir]/Steamapps/Common/Endless Legend/EndlessLegend_Data/output_log.txt smiley: warning
  • Diagnostics.html - [Documentsdir]/Endless Legend/Temporary Files/Diagnostics*.html smiley: warning
  • Game save - You can find it here: [Documentsdir]/Endless Legend/Save Files/*.zip
  • Screenshots - By default on Steam, you need to press F12 to take a screenshot. Once you exit the game, you will find the screenshot manager window, press on "Show on disk" and grab the pictures you find relevant


  • Added the multiplayer: you can now play with up to 6 players, just create a normal game and there choose public multiplayer as a session option.
  • Added a "Battles Pace" option in the new game advanced settings: you can set the game timers, and also choose to control every round of your battles (choose Encounter Sequence "Advanced")
  • Added the Ardent Mages major faction, their gameplay is focused around spells that you can cast below the top left menu bar ingame.
  • Added Ships and Harbor district improvements, you can now go explore and colonize the world beyond the ocean!
  • Added the Privateers: all mercenaries bought in the marketing place can attack anyone whithout revealing who they fight for.
  • Added Roads and Trade Routes. You can research them and then build them from your city.
  • Added a Trade Routes summary on the Empire screen.
  • Added the City Militia the help you defend your precious cities.
  • Improved the siege of City and implemented the City ownership.
  • A city garrison can reinforce battles that are launched outside the city (if the city is not besieged).
  • During a battle launched outside a besieged city, the city tiles can be used in deployment if the battle involved the besieged empire and the besieger.
  • A garrison of a besieged city can reinforce a battle (that is launched outside the city) only if it involves the besieged empire and the besieger.
  • When attacking a city without garrison but with a reinforcement army around, this army is considered as main garrison for the defender
  • Added the defense value to the City label.The units count (which now includes the militia) and the defense value are now always visible, even on enemy cities.
  • Updated the Moral effect in battle which is represented by white dots on the Units in battle. Moral boosts units fighting abilities
  • An army stays on the map when the Hero is the only remaining unit.
  • Improved the battle deployment.
  • Added new feedbacks during the deployment phase: the time line of units and the life bars upon the units.
  • Improved the diplomacy. Added new diplomatic treaties. The AI empire can make diplomatic proposals. Counter proposal is enabled.
  • AI empire can assign heroes as generals or governors.
  • Enabled the automated governors.

  • Added the End turn timers (in the Advanced Game Settings):
    • End Turn Timer Mode: base duration of one turn.
    • Per City: extra time multiplied by the number of cities for the player having the most. Formula -> endTurnTime + timePercity * numberOfCities.
    • Last player: timer enabled when one player has not finished the turn.

  • Villages and ruins are now exploitable and have FIDSI.
  • Region FIDSI are displayed when building a city or a district.

  • Changed the values of the Stockpiles:
    • Level 2: 700 instead of 840
    • Level 3: 1150 instead of 2000

  • The Vaulters affinity has been modified, they can use all strategic resources as boosters:
  • They can have only 1 strategic booster activated at a time. The current booster activated becomes the Holy Resource.
  • Each strategic booster gives FIDS bonuses on each City:
    • Titanium : +20% Science
    • Glassteel : +20% Dust
    • Adamantian : +20% Industry
    • Palladian : +20% Food
    • Mithrite : +15% Industry, +15% Dust
    • Hyperium : +15% Food, +15% Science

  • The Hero equipment change and the Unit retrofit are not available anymore if not in a region that the player owns. Also taking in count the lack of resources when in a besieged city.
  • Army upkeep is now equal to max number of units authorized in army.
  • Enabled the "Select Empire" button in the New Game screen, and added a Faction Selection screen.
  • Added an enhanced animation mode (when building a new city or a region building).
  • Improved the visual of the oceans.
  • Removed the autosaves in the list of saves when saving (only showing them when loading) and added the turn number to the autosaves' title.
  • Added the possibility to enter the quantity directly in the Negotiation and Marketplace screens.
  • Added a "Silence between music tracks" option.
  • The Steam overlay is now shown on the upper right corner of the window.
  • Game controls and interface are limited to inputs from Keyboard and Mouse.
  • Performed some graphics and memory optimizations.

  • Fixed an issue where the world generator crashes due to the path name.
  • Fixed an issue where AI can provoke infinite battles.
  • Fixed an issue where an army still can be locked after the end of a battle.

  • Fixed an issue where other armies can be seen in the battlefield during battle simulation.
  • Fixed an issue where the autosave files are displayed in the "Save" menu.
  • Fixed an issue where the next construction on the "construction complete" notification is not displayed.
  • Fixed an issue where skill points cannot be spent in the hero skill tree if that hero is outside of the user's region.
  • Fixed an issue where the retrofit button is available to the user for armies outside his regions.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Penitent Chapel" technology reward received from the second chapter of the Broken Lords questline has no effects.
  • Fixed an issue where different quests can reward the same tech in a session.
  • Fixed an issue where "The Accidental Desecrator" side quest does not complete.
  • Fixed an issue where "The Second Mouse" side quest can't be completed.
  • Fixed an issue where "The legend of the three" side quest can't be completed.
  • Fixed an issue where the "A Final Battleground" Broken Lords chapter 7 step 1 quest cannot be completed.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Wisdom" Vaulters Chapter 8 step 2 quest cannot be completed.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Wisdom" Vaulters Chapter 8 step 3 quest completes improperly.
  • Fixed an issue where the Vaulters's chapter 3 step 2 faction quest does not restart after being failed resulting in a situation where the main quest line cannot be completed.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Gaining Knowledge" Vaulters Chapter 5 quest can't be completed if the village is destroyed.
  • Fixed an issue where razing a city does not remove built Watchtowers and Resource Extractors.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple items can be selected in the save game screen.
  • Fixed several text issues.