
We're one day late for the Games2Gether vote so we apologise! With the update and everything, we decided to do things properly and organised a fun new Games2Gether vote. Indeed, we asked you in the previous vote what you wanted more and you all voted for MORE HEROES.

This week's vote will allow you to pick the hero that you want to create for the game. And we'll start with the 4 available choices for the visual appearance:

  • gender: male, female, undefined
  • height: short, average, tall
  • weight: thin, average, large
  • physical feature: weird body formation, sartorially handicapped, hair-challenged

This is where it happens: G2G Votes

Be nuts and pick what you want. smiley: smile We'll have several more votes coming in the next weeks to define little by little this mysterious community hero, entirely designed by you. smiley: approval

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