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Multiple Personalities Madness - video series on Endless, directed by the viewers ;)

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10 years ago
Jan 24, 2015, 3:54:14 PM

if you've been on these forums for a while, you might remember the videos I made for Endless Space on several occasions. Well, I recently had a cool idea and since it's working quite well so far, I wanted to share it with you here smiley: smile

In my current series, my behavior is dictated by my viewers. After each episode I read the suggestions left for me and choose the most popular/interesting one that I stick to while recording the next episode. As a result, I cannot play optimally and have to role-play while still trying to win.

I play on Endless difficulty of course, so it's quite a challenge to face the AI while under arbitrary restrictions set by my viewers but it's also a lot of fun. If you wanna see it, here's the first episode:

There's also a playlist with all of the already-published videos, as well as the introductory video where I describe the rules of this series. Here's the link:

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